Friday, 30 March 2018 08:28 AM
Remember when Democrats told gun owners that they were paranoid and no one was coming for their guns and didn't use children to voice their desire to repeal the second amendment?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Thursday, 29 March 2018 05:20 PM
I want laser eye surgery. I'm tired of wearing glasses, they're a nuisance.
Thursday, 29 March 2018 04:22 PM
Sometimes I get really high and put on sad rap albums
Thursday, 29 March 2018 11:19 AM
Fuck it. Let's just do randomized arranged marriages. Because your subjective sense of what's attractive is discriminatory and the only way to fix is is to accept what's given to you.
Thursday, 29 March 2018 10:40 AM
Dating is by nature discriminatory. Not everyone that tries is successful. It is not an equal opportunity. People can filter their romantic/sexual partner based on sex. It doesn't mean they hate them. Call it a fetish. Call closed minded. But i know my body and what does it for me. Seeing certain parts on certain people kills the mood.
Thursday, 29 March 2018 09:42 AM
im Israeli and i dont like Flafel.
Thursday, 29 March 2018 09:25 AM
Just so we're clear, not wanting to date someone who is trans, even though you have no problem with them as a person is transphobic, but dating someone based on something such as height or refusing to date white people (As we all know refusing to date an ethnic minority is of course racist) is totally fine?
That is stupid as fuck. Why can't it be a preference just like other preferences? Plus, as someone who wants biological kids some day, I want someone who was born with the proper equipment to make that possible.
I don't care if you are trans. You do you, but you need to be up front and inform the other person you are. It saves time for all parties and is better than asking the 99% to need to ask any potential partner their biological sex.
Let people like who they like. You don't get to dictate whether their preferences are okay as it is convenient to you. Don't group people who are fine with your existence but don't want to date you into the same group as people who think you are an abomination. Doing so is only going to alienate yourselves further.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018 03:21 PM
I may not be a smart man, but I'm smh at both sides of the aisle.
To the right, you should have never let your fear of equality start this madness.
To the left, you shouldn't be so stupid as to believe this isn't about control and leaving people vulnerable. MLK needed armed volunteers for guards after his house was bombed because even then Alabama cops didn't approve his carry permit. How much power do you wanna give to who when it comes to your defense? Cops aren't always going to look out for you.