Sunday, 08 April 2018 03:05 PM
Question for the religious out there:
Are you a Christian because you believe in the Bible/Christ, or do you believe in the Bible/Christ because youre a Christian?
Same goes for Muslims/Quran, Jews, etc
Friday, 06 April 2018 08:58 PM
Here's my confession.
I've lived 28 years on earth, I've done more than most people have.
At 18 I was security for an NFL running back.
I was a pro wrestler.
I was training to fight mma.
Filming porn for Brazzers (only 4 shoots.)
I dated Michelle "Bombshell" McGee (only 4 dates.)
At 19
I was a "champion" in my wrestling league.
I was given a nick name in mma due to how I won my first match (opponent lost so much blood he fainted between the 4th and 5th round... I went to the hospital and donated blood that night.)
I was sponsored by rockstar energy, Kong kettle bells, and the gym sponsors.
During the summer of my 19th year, I traveled with the Kong kettlebell company to sell them all over Europe, Asia, Russia, and Australia.
Upon returning home, we found the wrestling league was guilty of fraud, oddly, we were allowed to legally put on matches up until Halloween, which resulted in a hellatious match where we barely walked to the back.
After that was done, I kept training for mma before the 1, in 4-1 popped up... nothing too serious, i got punched pretty hard in my temple, which resulted in me stumbling around the octagon before he jumped on my back, into a rear naked choke and I... never taped... so I was out for a few minutes... after that everything died, my only option was to join the military... I passed all the sent requirements, and got a 87 on the asvab... however in bct my first sergeant and co seemed to not like me, so I got other than honorably discharged from bct (just meaning, i needed to fix something before coming back, in my fucked up case, depression) which is ironic because after I moved with my mom to Satan's butthole - Nebraska, i gained insane amounts of depression and anxiety... which is where my story his that pothole, along with so many others... there's a girl...
Friday, 06 April 2018 04:53 AM
I never make my bed unless someone comes over. I dont see the point to do it otherwise. I'm just gonna rip the blankets from the tucked corners and wrap myself into a burrito anyways. Call it lazy if you will, I just don't see the fucking point other than to make it look nice.
Thursday, 05 April 2018 03:31 AM
Which MVA in Maryland has the easiest road test? And what can I expect? I’m currently in drivers ed and my teacher is saying the one in Waldorf is hard. But I think she’s over exaggerating. This is my 3rd day in drivers ed btw. She said for the road test I’ll have to have my parking brake and low beam headlights on. She also said there’s an added lane sign where I’ll have to yield first and then merge in.