Monday, 09 April 2018 03:37 PM
This isn't a confession, but an option. I guess I'm confessing my opinion? Anyways, if you comment on the umd confessions page, and you already graduated, don't you have something better to do...? Like dude college is over move on lmao.
Also, if you're out here commenting unsolicited advice that does nothing but make you feel self righteous and somehow better about yourself, dude... just go take some random elective with "studies" in its name. They'd love to hear you out.
And if you comment on any baity political post, both you and the poster prolly like wearing fedoras. Prove me wrong.
Monday, 09 April 2018 11:25 AM
Op here for >I am not racist.
Posted that weeks ago after some dipshit said they hated white people who didn't have black friends until adulthood or some shit.
Meant to be sarcastic. Meant to highlight hypocrisy in how a lot of POC(and yes I am a POC) seem to think racism works.
Monday, 09 April 2018 11:03 AM
There are black, Asian, and Latino racists just as white racists.
Monday, 09 April 2018 09:10 AM
Have you ever had a person in your life that meant way more to you than you expected and due to their absence in your life, your life changed for the worse?
Monday, 09 April 2018 03:07 AM
Hello I need advice on what to do. So 2 years ago I made the decision to join the Army. I started my process last year in April and was supposedly to get shipped out in November but MEPS denied me. They denied me because my PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus) surgery is acceptable but because it was performed on the thorax part of my body it’s considered disqualification. Like literally that is how it was worded in their book of rules and regulations. Stupid. Before they denied me they wanted me to see an cardiologist to see the current condition of my heart and it’s in great condition. That was my first time seeing a cardiologist, all my life I never had nor needed a cardiologist. So they have record of that but they want more. MEPS already have documentation that my medical records at the hospital I was born in has been destroyed. So now they wanted a letter from my pediatrician of 15 years stating that my heart is in good condition and that I never had nor needed a cardiologist. My pediatrician submitted his letter and these fools denied it. So he’s going to submit the letter again but this time with his records of my physicals I had done throughout the years.
Any advice, tips? I’m so frustrated and I want to give up at this point. Like I’m so close to swearing in.
Sunday, 08 April 2018 10:45 PM
I think the Tomb Raider movie with Angelina Jolie was over sexualized.
I also think the Catwoman movie with Halle Berry was over sexualized.
Sunday, 08 April 2018 08:51 PM
There is no such thing as a "male feminist." Any man who claims to be one just wants to get some.
Sunday, 08 April 2018 03:07 PM