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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 05:24 AM

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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 04:05 AM

As a woman that is now engaged, I think dating is pointless if it’s not long term. Maybe it’s the Cancer in me but I’ve always believed in having one soulmate, fairytale love and one sex partner. I watched too much Twilight back then lmao. I never had much of a dating life before my engagement because most of the men that pursued me wanted to be friends with benefits or just have one night stands, we were never on the same page with things. Some men I just didn’t click with and some I wasn’t attracted to. People would tell me that my dating life was boring or I’m missing out while others would applaud me. Since I was like a teenager, I was ready for marriage and a family. I was in a relationship with my first love and first heartbreak when I was 17, we dated for two years. On the second year of our relationship, he kept saying he wanted to have sex with me and I wasn’t ready. I don’t know why but I just wanted to be sure that he was “the one”. So he cheated and got another woman pregnant. I was heartbroken for 2 years until I met my husband. I’ve been with my husband since I was 22, lost my virginity to him when I was 25, and now I’m 28 and engaged. I have no regrets besides I didn’t want to have anymore heartbreaks because one heartbreak was ENOUGH and the emotional baggage from failed relationships, flings or whatever.
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 03:25 AM

Back when I was a teenager I used to be attracted to guys based on their looks. That was before I knew the good looking guys have horrible personalities and are assholes. I leaned the hard way. Now that I’m in my 20s, my attraction to men is based on personalities. I’m cool with a average looking man with crooked teeth like J.Cole, I wouldn’t want a guy as good looking as Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. Like I find humbleness a huge turn on and one of the main reasons why I’m in love with J. Cole lol.
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 02:14 AM

Unpopular opinion...
I get what people are saying about Apu from the Simpsons, but come on, really? Don't have a cow. The Simpsons is full of stereotypes, as are other cartoons like South Park and Family Guy. They make fun of literally every group of people you can think of... I don't see people complaining about the other stereotypes.
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 01:41 AM

Spent 5 years in the Army. MEPS very rarely changes their mind. The army isn't an equal opportunity employer. It's very utilitarian in how it functions l(except when it's not). If they turn you away, even for arbitrary reasons it's because they have a very "meat for the grinder" attitude about their workforce. They don't want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars training someone to go fight wars only to have a preexisting condition take them out of the fight. There will always be other bodies, ones that aren't as much of a risk. They'll likely never give you a second look once turning you away. Just the way it is.
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Monday, 09 April 2018 05:53 PM

Your brain can only handle about 150 people. Everyone else is a drone to you. Or just a projection of someone else you know. Yes each and everyone of you. That's why you form in groups. It's a short cut for your brain to decide whether someone is "people."

You're all terrible. Stupid monkey animal brains.
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Monday, 09 April 2018 04:17 PM

test post
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Monday, 09 April 2018 03:54 PM

How to communicate with your cat using whale noises.

/r/disneyvacation is my new fav sub.
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Total Confessions: 22290
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