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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 11:00 PM

Be honest with me.

Back in January a girl I like became be single, earlier that day I was told someone said I was sexually harassing a female student - she was over weight n kept using her meal plan to buy $1.50 with of fruit, so I asked her why, and we began talking about dieting, around the end I Saud she looks amazing n that I would date her in a heart beat, I was honest that I would, but itt was also a confidence booster... anyway her and I were the only 2 in the room n my general manager came in seconds after she left, saying that I can't do that, it would get me fired in a heart beat, so when mt crush came in and so sad about to cry, all I wanted to do was to hug her, cuddle her head, kiss her forehead, rock back n forth and tell her how much she meant to me (which sadly is the girl who perfectly defined "the one") but I held back, n tried to sound as generic as possible... after work i went home n damn near cried my head off. The rest of the semester I had to be secretive inn being there for her, I gave her my number n facebook account... never got a text or call, or friend request, or message, then after nit seeing her for about a month, I see her with a guy, so I moved on... I never got a gf but a high school friend of mine needed a place to stay, so she and I stay in the same room n sleep in the same bed. Nothing sexual happens. She came in today, saying she was sick, however she bought like 5 pop tarts n some other stuff... n she seemed really sad, I said if she needed me I'd be there for her, n she just walked off, her friend came thru my line after that and spoke really fast, n very koi, I asked if her friend was on, n she said yeah, so I just hurried up n finished the transaction... I felt like maybe shed come back down after the rush finished, but never saw her...

So my question is this, I'm going to be there for her when she needs it, but I have to progress with my life, does this make me some loser, love sick idiot, or what?
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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 04:28 PM

You got other than honorable discharge in the Army BCT? So you never made it to the Army. Why not a general discharge? Methinks you got a failure to adapt chapter. You don't get to retroactive change your discharge papers to an honorable, you have to appeal it. And that probably won't go over well if they think you lied about having depression to get into the Army. But you also can't get an honorable if you never actually got into the Army, that's why they have a specific chapter for bct washouts.
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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 07:36 AM

when all your friends are making over $100,000 a year, and you're doing IT jobs and making less than $60,000, you start to think, what the fuck am I doing with my job?
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Wednesday, 11 April 2018 06:23 AM

I am a black woman and I don't know how to cornrow.
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 07:19 PM

I love that there's people on here that never went to umd
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 04:58 PM

which one has a sadder beginning?
1) land before time
2) bambi
3) up
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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 04:24 PM

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Tuesday, 10 April 2018 12:10 PM

A caveat to the simpsons post about apu.

Imagine if Pootie Tang was released in 2018
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Terps Stats

Total Confessions: 22290
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 69

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