Friday, 13 April 2018 01:50 PM
Friday, 13 April 2018 01:41 PM
you know why celebrity can drink underage, do illegal drugs (publically) and won't get arrested? they pay alot of taxes that's why.
you know why no justice department have charged anything to trump family yet? because if they go to jail, new york lose a lot of tax money.
Friday, 13 April 2018 08:23 AM
if you just met the girl, and she's from China, and dated for 4 months, and got engaged, she's not marrying you, she's just want the green card. be prepared for divorce in 5 years
also if got pregnant, before you're married, it's not congratulations... it's you've fucked up
Thursday, 12 April 2018 06:42 PM
I have such strong seperation anxiety that I have no idea how I'm going to end the year
Thursday, 12 April 2018 04:15 PM
Her: I am in college and discovering the magical time of young adulthood where I first have independence and access to alcohol. I spent a holiday centered around alcohol partying with my friends.
Me: dur durr durrrrrr *tips fedora while I ride off into the sunset shitting my pants all the way*
Thursday, 12 April 2018 09:39 AM
I did everything asked of me in red phase, blue phase, and white phase. In red, white, and blue phase we had a day of post clean up where most everybody got split up into groups, I went to the center for mental health with about 10 other guys. Took a test as long as a phone book, which took all day, at the end we were brought back to our barracks, our drill sergeant was pretty upset driving us, he kept mumbling some stuff. Our CO and first sergeant were in their office, we were given a packet, each one with certain discharge papers, mine wasn't an other than honorable, but I don't remember the code. I called my recruiter, he said either you can fight it or take it, get better n rejoin... if I faught it, I would be in hold over hell for as long as it took, which could be years... so i accepted it, flew back home, stayed with my aunt n uncle, who didn't sell my mom's car, signed up for community college there, and got ready to start in the summer, applied n got my old job back. My mom then said to drive her car to Nebraska, n trade for my truck, she'd pay the difference since she was saving up n was living at my grand parents house untill she found one... She lied, I had about $700 in savings, but that's not much to move on... but yeah, it was like a chapter thing... I do think of rejoining now that I'm in a better place, but I have gaining a lot of weight.
Thursday, 12 April 2018 09:13 AM
Her: what'd you do on st. Patrick's day?
Me: work...
Her: that's so boring.
Me: duh, but I have stuff to pay off.
Her: I guess
Me: so what'd you do?
Her: I died.
Me: you look pretty good for a ghost.
Her: -_- I drank some green alcohol n threw up for the first time.
Me: you equate vomiting to dying?
Her: I guess so...
Me: so how old are you?
Her: 19
Me: so at 19 your idea of excitement is drinking unknown alcohol?
Her: yeah, it's fun to get fucked up.
Me: ummm... ok... at your age, on st. Patrick's day, I was fighting in the octagon, and won due to the other guy bleeding out, then I donated blood to him... there was a crowd of over 10,000 people watching us, I trained for months prior to get ready for it, and afterward I got a 1-0 record, a new friend, training partner, at least a dozen contacts to get more fights, and a sponsorship, but yeah getting shit faced, and throwing up is way more fun...
Her: ... *leaves*
Me: sigh :/
Thursday, 12 April 2018 08:44 AM
I think the girl I like is pregnant