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Tuesday, 17 April 2018 05:15 AM

#21564 Sex is overrated. Especially when it’s casual, meaningless and people are just fucking for that brief moment of pleasure. That empty feeling you have when your little fuck buddy busted a nut and leave is not worth it, only to have him/her call you up when they’re horny again. Then to them not hitting you up anymore because they had enough which means you have to find another fuck buddy. Y’all can have that.
Sex is better when you’re in love, making love. Intimacy, eye contact, cuddling, feelings, mental stimulation, emotional stability, connecting on a deeper level, deep conversations, pillow talk, enjoying each other’s company 24/7 without getting bored or irritated is underrated. Being an asexual and sapiosexual is also underrated.
Sex without the love is the problem for this generation. People are constantly building relationships based on lust, infatuation and physical attraction. Once the honeymoon phase is over, that’s when the relationship starts to fall apart. Someone gets bored and decides to physically/emotionally cheat, cheater gets caught and then it’s arguments 24/7. The breaking up and making up, on and off relationships, and all that unstable shit. They’re basically in a relationship with a stranger that they thought they knew and “love” because the sex was lit.
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Tuesday, 17 April 2018 03:47 AM

So I’m almost finished my driver’s ed course at Greg’s Driving School in Waldorf. I finished the classroom part and now I have to do my driving lessons which is 6 hours. I did 2 hours yesterday with the driving instructor from hell. She was absolutely horrible. I guess she expected me to be a pro in driving or some shit but I wasn’t. I can drive, I’m good at driving in neighborhoods and back roads. I just need more practice when it comes to traffic and highways. My classroom instructor told the class that the driving instructors are there to figure out what kind of driver you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. She stated that it was okay if some students are beginners, the driving instructors are there to work at our pace. Well not mines.
My driving instructor was rude, sarcastic, ghetto and constantly yelled and chastised me. Told me things like “What was your point of even coming here?!”
She got mad when I would stop the car a few inches before the stop sign. Got mad when my left turns were too short. Got mad when I was driving at 20 mph when the speed limit was 25 mph. This woman made me so nervous and frustrated to the point I was shaking and eyes were tearing up. Then we get on the highway she yells “Look at you, you’re shaking!!!” She was also clapping her hands with every word she said. I mean how the fuck am I supposed to be comfortable driving with a woman like her yelling at me for 2 whole hours?
Ms.W_________ was her name for those who have family or friends going to that particular driving school.
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Monday, 16 April 2018 03:41 PM

It's hard having this much anxiety.
Make friends with someone great.
Develop a crush.
Develope feelings.
Have anxiety tel you yore ww orthless, fat, everything wrong with you.
Forget how to even rally to your crush.
Stay awake all night thinking about everything.
Try to talk to your crush again, only mumbles come out as you begin to have cold sweats, and scare your crush.
Spend that night panicking, instead of sleep.
See your crush developed a relationship with someone else.
Have anxiety trek toy that's why you're not good enough.
See them break up, have anxiety tell you that if you try anything the wirst car scenario is going to happen...
Try to ignore it? Watch your heart beat increase.
Still fighting it? Here's a heart attack.
While almost dead, anxiety tells you that's why you can't be happy.
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Monday, 16 April 2018 10:45 AM

What the fuck, what kind of hooker doesn't want to get spanked?
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Monday, 16 April 2018 09:25 AM

I have two words to describe white Marylanders.

Caviar Rouge
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Monday, 16 April 2018 08:51 AM

Your boyfriend is still, by definition, a wanker
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Monday, 16 April 2018 12:17 AM

In response to person stating that my boyfriend is a wanker and how I'm not going to marry him: You don't know shit about me, my boyfriend or our relationship. We have been together for almost 2 years. I've stayed a virgin this long because the men that were pursuing me before my boyfriend were dogs, players, assholes, etc.
In addition, I was bullied throughout elementary school to high school which gave me trust issues, low self-esteem and insecurity. I didn't think worthy of myself and it took me a long time for me to love myself. I thought I was ugly. I was working on me. You can't love someone if you don't love yourself.
I was fortunate enough to run into a man like my boyfriend who loves me flaws and all. When I told him I was a virgin, he didn't judge me at all. Actually he thought I was lying. I am constantly self conscious about being a virgin in this day and age because of sexual incompatibility. I have asked my boyfriend numerous times if this bothers him and he says no. I told him numerous times he can walk away if me being a virgin bothers him and he's still here. He's actually excited to be my first time and at the same time nervous. He thinks he will be a disappointment to me. I reassure him telling him that I have no one to compare to.
So I'm not sorry if I want my first time to be special and with someone special. I'm not sorry if I wanted to get to know my boyfriend inside and out before giving him all of me.
Next time, you come for someone make sure you have all your facts correct bitch.
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Sunday, 15 April 2018 11:55 PM

Unfortunate side chick here: These guys are pursuing me romantically
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