Thursday, 19 April 2018 12:22 PM
#21573 Who the fuck invented Fortnite?! Since this game been out, my boyfriend doesn't even pay me no attention anymore. It's frustrating. I'm thinking about breaking his PS4.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 01:07 PM
#21566 My learners permit is about to expire. I'm hearing two different ways to get a new one. One is to just go up there to retake the knowledge and vision test. They said I wouldn't need to bring proof of sources since I'm already in the system.
Another way I'm hearing is that I'll have to retake the knowledge test, vision test and bring sources of proof again.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 09:45 AM
#21567 Why are so many people interested in other people's sex lives? Just go watch porn or something.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 08:25 AM
#21568 You know I've had a lot of time to think about things. And no, I don't think I'd want you back. Because this entire time all I could ever think about was the things about you that I missed. Like the way your smile could instantly change my day. Or how you would send me pictures of yourself at random and ask how my day was. But now I'm able to take off the rose colored glasses and remember how manipulative you were. And how I had to basically walk around on egg shells for most of the relationship because you were unstable as a person and the wrong comment or action would send you off the deep end. you emotionally abused me and held me emotionally captive. You were quite honestly a bitch. But I loved you, (redacted) so I just shoved that aside. I fooled myself into thinking that I fucked up dramatically when you left me. But honestly now that all the hurt is gone, I'm glad you're gone. And I hope whoever came/comes after me has better luck with you than I did.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 06:02 AM
If MD and DC are so strict and serious about safe driving then why are there not seatbelts on buses overall? Bus drivers are the only one that will possibly survive a accident.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 07:28 AM
#21570 People are so sleep on virgins. They’re so quick to judge and underestimate them. As a man that had sex with MANY women (so many that I lost count), the best sex I ever had was from a virgin who is now my gf of 3 years. When I first popped my gf’s cherry, yes it was painful for her and awkward but after that she was a pornstar in bed. It was hard for me to believe a woman as innocent, shy and close minded as my girlfriend was a freak in the sheets. I asked her how was she so good as inexperience as she was. She said years of built up sexual frustration, masturbation and watching porn. My gf is 25 now btw and is like a pro. I mean she’s better than the experienced women I fucked in the past and these women been fucking since their teenage years.
I’m not saying this will happen for all virgins but I got pretty damn lucky. Also don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 07:10 AM
Admin why don’t you number the confessions anymore?
Tuesday, 17 April 2018 05:21 AM
I’m convinced most of the people on this page are either an Aries, Leo, Libra, Gemini or Aquarius because y’all some argumentative motherfuckers.