Friday, 20 April 2018 09:55 AM
#21596 Beyoncé and Jay Z are overrated.
Friday, 20 April 2018 09:53 AM
#21595 I love all types of cheese except for American. I think it’s absolutely disgusting.
Friday, 20 April 2018 09:52 AM
#21594 In the 80's to early 2000s having tattoos, piercings and colored hair was the counter-culture thing. Now in 2018 that's the norm, so the counter-culture now is not having tattoos and having children after marriage. Funny how times have changed.
Thursday, 19 April 2018 04:38 PM
#21574 I think if I were to get cheated on by my significant other during our relationship I would break up with them. But if I were to get cheated on by my significant other during our marriage I would give them another chance because we have made it far enough to get married and why throw away a marriage?
To me, a relationship is a test to see if someone is capable of being a good partner.
Thursday, 19 April 2018 04:17 PM
#21575 Ok so this is about bullying. And before I even start, this is my personal experience, don't get upset by my view points. I have been made fun of for most of my waking life. For one reason or another. But mostly it was by unaggressive people. Aka not bully's. The first time I ever experienced a real bully, was in middle school. This guy who was pretty tall for his age, and acted a certain way that one would attribute to living in the ghetto. He bucked up on me one day for no reason in between classes. He came at me calling me a nerd and telling me that I made him look stupid in class. he told me that he wanted to beat me up. He had his left hand raised like he was holding back trying to hit me. I looked him dead in his eyes and told him to to fucking do it. That I'd basically fuck him up.And I did cuss at him. I swore like a sailor at home. But at school for the most part kept it chill. He was rendered speechless. I murmured something like that's what I thought and walked away to my next class. From that day on that kid never said shit to me. I'm not saying that it will always be that easy, but sometimes barking back solves the issue. You just have to believe in what you're saying. I was prepared to fight that kid. Because I have a idgaf attitude. You just have to not care, which I know easier said than done. But the human mind is capable of extraordinary things, you just have to believe.
Thursday, 19 April 2018 02:40 PM
#21576 I always feel porn after watching masturbating and guilty
Thursday, 19 April 2018 12:27 PM
#21571 I always feel guilty after watching porn and masturbating.
Thursday, 19 April 2018 12:27 PM
#21572 I regret my tattoos. I was young and dumb just going through a rebellious phase in my life. I just wanted to be like everyone else and fit in. Some of my tattoos were poorly done because I went to anyone that offered me a cheap price. I wish I can have clean skin again and a clean slate so I can start fresh.