Friday, 20 April 2018 03:10 PM
#21621 When I was young, I killed a butterfly on purpose because I managed to kill every insect but that.
Friday, 20 April 2018 03:07 PM
#21600 I gave my virginity to a football player who literally only talked sweet to me to get it. Now he blocked me on snap and won’t respond to me. Girls, if you still got your virginity keep it for someone who actually cares about you!
Friday, 20 April 2018 03:05 PM
#21620 I always get IUD confused with IED. I guess because that pussy is the bomb!
Friday, 20 April 2018 03:01 PM
#21599 I'm a woman and I always wanted a gay male best friend. I swear they're the best and so real. Ladies if a gay man tells you that "you're beautiful", believe him!
Friday, 20 April 2018 02:57 PM
#21585 I have never tried coleslaw
Friday, 20 April 2018 02:56 PM
#21598 I wanna look like a snack this summer but I keep eating them.
Friday, 20 April 2018 02:29 PM
#21597 Never listening to anyone about a suggestion for anything ever again
Friday, 20 April 2018 09:56 AM
#21577 Tupac and Eminem are the best rappers ever.