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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 10:31 PM

#21627 Ik plastic water bottles are bad for the environment and the water inside them is usually worse than tap water, but I'll never stop buying then bc it's way too cheap and convenient ¯\_(?)_/¯
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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 06:09 PM

#21626 I assume extremely good looking people are narcissistic and have superiority complexities, so I don't bother talking to them or looking at them.
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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 04:04 PM

#21625 Real talk, when people post here, they do so anonymously, so when other people judge in the comments or say some really dumbass shit, they're doing so knowing they won't get a reply (for the most part), they're literally doing it to stroke their own ego. Let people confess lmao. You have no idea how stupid you look putting your unwarranted two cents in. People confess things bc they find contort in the thought of others reading their confession.

Take your judgemental, conflict seeking, negative asses outta here ??
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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 02:06 PM

#21624 About #21612. I was angry. Clearly. But why don't you take a step back before you criticize me and consider this: Recently as in an hour before I wrote that confession, I woke up to texts from all of my recently ex gfs friends mocking my dick. Like some of them even had pics of it with emasculating things done to it. Yeah I'm not perfect, I can be an asshole just like anyone else in this world. But I ever did anything to warrant that treatment. I'm not small but I'm not big either. My dick has been described to me as starter dick. So yeah I'm sensitive about it and yeah I was pissed off. But instead of texting her about how pissed off I was I wrote a confession and blew off steam before I did. So sue me for anonymously being a dick to a girl you've never met before that was actually a huge bitch. I'm out.
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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 12:55 PM

#21623 I'm a married man and I have platonic female friends. Fight me.
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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 08:42 AM

#21622 I have massive trust issues due to an ex. I always trusted them. Because I had no reason not to. But I came over house one day unannounced to surprise her with some goodies and I found her fucking some random old guy who up to that point had just been her "landlord" which he wasn't as I came to find out. He was some rich guy that bought her shit. After that day Ive found it hard to trust other women. And it's ruined a lot of potential relationships for me. Because I get paranoid easily now and I've come to conclusions that weren't really there. And I know not all women are lying whores, but it's just so hard to shake what that one girl did to me.
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Monday, 23 April 2018 10:59 PM

#21613 When I was 19, I broke up with my ex boyfriend through text message because he wouldn’t add me on Facebook.
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Monday, 23 April 2018 10:48 PM

#21614 I judge people based off of their zodiac sign.
Every Libra I know are alcoholics, controlling and crazy.
Every Virgo I know are lazy and brag A LOT.
Every Aries I know are arrogant and stuck up.
Every Aquarius I know are argumentative, delusional, compulsive liars. Always start shit but can never finish it. All bark and no bite.
Every Leo I know are clingy, bossy and are attention seekers.
Every male Sagittarius I know are players, hoes dogs, etc. The women on the other hand are super clingy when it comes to their partners.
Every Pisces I know are assholes, lazy and have the tendency to swim away from their problems. Still love them though!
Every Scorpio I know are pretty cool, quiet, sensitive and stay to themselves. But they can be possessive and have a jealousy streak.
Don’t know too much about people that are a Gemini, Taurus, and a Capricorn.
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Total Confessions: 22290
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