Wednesday, 25 April 2018 05:54 PM
#21636 If you've never read the Principia Discordia do yourself a favor and read it. It's free online. Become a pope or a mome today.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 01:26 PM
#21635 Life has been so strange. I can't seem to put the words together that would do how I'm feeling justice. Like life seemed to be like this movie to me. Like my life hasn't been exciting but it's worthy of a sitcom. Well that's how I used to feel. Idk when I exactly started feeling this way, but life now feels dull like all the color that filled the world is slowly dissipating. im not sad, it just feels weird seeing the world differently.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 12:47 PM
#21633 I just drank a half bottle of vodka. Not sure why either. But something tells me I'm about to drunk text/call all my exes.. pray for me.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 12:29 PM
#21631 People who snort when they laugh disgust me
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 12:25 PM
#21634 Anybody on here experience seeing certain numbers ALL THE TIME? 24/7, everywhere you go?!
I have a special friend that lives in Ohio. We’ve been friends for almost 10 years now, it’ll be 10 years in August. But 4 years ago we fell off for like a year and a half. During that year and a half up until now, I’ve been seeing his area code 937 and his birthday 317 (March 17) everywhere. On clocks, car tags, receipts, price tags, street signs, my points on video games, people’s usernames on PlayStation, the marker when I pause a video/movie. I can’t escape these numbers and it’s driving me fucking insane. Also during that year and a half when I was playing Domination on Call of Duty, I happen to look at the scoreboard real quick and when I was looking my clan tag was “OHIO”. I never had a clan tag at all. So I backed out of the game to change my clan tag and OHIO wasn’t on my clan tag anymore. It freaked me out so that was when I decided to reconciled with him.
I asked him if he ever see my birthday or area code, he said he might have but didn’t really pay it no attention. He did tell me that he always have dreams about me some he can remember and some he can’t. I always have dreams about him too, some are psychic dreams and ends up coming true.
Do anyone else on here experience weird things like this with their friends? Special friend? Significant others? Are you still experiencing this? If not, when did you notice you stop seeing that certain number?
When I tell people this they tell me I’m crazy or need a therapist. I never believed in things like numerology, twin flames or soulmates, or telepathy but now I’m starting too.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 08:29 AM
#21629 Admin are you still trying to figure out a way to for us to use emojis for our confessions?
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 06:14 AM
#21630 I’m so frustrated, I cannot take the road test at MVA until I’m able to pass my 3rd driving lesson. Driving instructor said I’m a good driver but I need more practice on the public road. The thing is, I literally have no one to teach me.
My mother owns a Audi and says it too fast.
My father owns a SUV and says it too powerful.
My grandfather owns a Jeep Compass and said I’ll have to be 26 to drive his car because I’m not covered on his insurance.
My friend owns a a Hybrid and I asked her and told her my situation but she never responded so I’m guessing that’s a no.
My aunt owns a Volkswagen Passat but is not going to offer to help because she’s selfish and lazy.
Like damn I’m really SOL right now. But the same people who are making excuses not to help are going to be the same ones asking me to drive them everywhere. The reason why I’m taking drivers ed at 24 because my father who makes $100,000 a year wouldn’t pay for it. He always crying broke but has money to blow on crack, weed, alcohol and lottery. He would also steal from me, my mother and my siblings. Steal our video games, jewelry, game systems, DVDs, pretty much anything he can pawn at the pawn shop for money and that money goes to his drugs, alcohol and lottery. He promised me 2 years ago that he would pay for my drivers ed and when I would ask when he would pay for it he’ll say things like “I got bills.”, “Yall breaking me I’m not a fucking ATM!”, “I said I’ll pay for it don’t ask me again.”
It’s just so frustrating because I’m so close to getting my license.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 03:48 AM
#21628 I stand up when I wipe, front to back. It’s how I learned and only recently did I realize that others do it differently ??