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Saturday, 28 April 2018 12:02 PM

#21661 I wish I had no shame. Like it upsets me how free some people are. Like I wish I could act like a crazy person and not worry about it. I wanna be weird all the time, but I can't because the shame is too much for me to handle.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 08:55 AM

#21651 So I've gone on several dates with this girl and things have been going fine as far as I've been able to tell and she just dropped this on me today out of the blue. "Hey so are you into being cucked?" I deleted her number. I am soooo not about that gay shit. In fact I threw up a bit when I read the text. I feel kinda bad that I'm just gonna ghost her, but I can't take her seriously anymore after that. that's a fucking clown question. In fact I feel as if I've been insulted. Like damn I know I'm not the big dick alpha wolf type but I'm no fucking scrub beta male either. I'm not about to watch someone I'm dating get fucked by someone else. Miss me with that bulshit.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 06:46 AM

To #21642
Love is a very abstract concept. And culturally expectations for love in the US tend to be overly romanticized. That's not to say that romantic love is a lie, but it certainly isn't an automatic "happily ever after love at first site us against the world" kind of thing. And honestly you don't need romantic love to be happy. Work on the relationships you have with friends and family and don't forget most importantly your relationship with yourself. Being balanced and having self love/respect are probably more important than finding "the one" in life, especially in your college years.

Just my 2 cents.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 03:02 AM

#21649 Is it on point or en pointe?
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 02:02 AM

#21648 Am I really the only one here who was raised that it's rude to ask someone how they vote or talk about how you do?
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 01:36 AM

#21647 21645

2 words. Nanny state.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 01:24 AM

#21646 21645

I think you miss the point of why SJW became a pejorative term. And people who don't agree with you are automatically part of some "conservative" subgroup no one wants to exist. They are simply that. People who don't agree with you. People don't fit in boxes. "Conservative" and "liberal" or "progressive" aren't really useful titles in a country where you literally have to choose between voting for parties and candidates who's main selling point is "I'm not the other one". The "us vs them" thinking is why SJW is a pejorative term and "you don't agree with me so you must be trailer trash" is how the Democratic Party lost the working class.
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Friday, 27 April 2018 04:15 PM

#21645 People who use SJW as a pejorative don't realize that it's not a crusade against white cis males. There are several white cis males who are useful allies. It's a purging of any racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, etc from compassionate/intelligent society. Understandably there's going to be some backlash. If you're a toxic neckbeard who spent a lot of time typin' in the comfort of your basement over the past decade you probably feel left out now that you realize you're our generation's version of the 70's burnout trailer trash. But YOU made that choice. Own up to it. Justice means no tolerance of intolerance, ignorance, etc. If someone offered you a milkshake with 1% feces, would you drink it? Exactly. I don't mean any ill will towards anyone, but if you're not a progressive by age 30 (you are who you are then, you'll never change), just leave the city and work at conservative companies, date conservatives, live in rural areas, etc. Enjoy your Star Wars original trilogy, Simpsons, Louis CK, Joe Rogan, etc. Just admit that you're not progressive and do you and society move forward. Not sure why this is considered fucking controversial.
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