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Saturday, 28 April 2018 11:14 PM

#21652 Since I was a little kid I've used lies for many reasons. Mostly to avoid getting into trouble albeit but I've been know to lie for personal gain under the right circumstances. In any case, I'm a pretty great liar. Especially to people that don't know me. Which this particular habit has made me also great at calling other peoples lies. Lying is a refined art, not everyone can do it. And not everyone can do it well. There are tells. Body language, voice pitch, eye movement, speech patterns etc etc etc. slipping up in any one category can give you away. ive always had an eye for detail and paying attention to people's behavior is no exception. So while I myself am not a model citizen, this ability allows me
To weed out undesirables from my life. Because there is only room for one load in my life and that's me.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 09:17 PM

#21654 @ #21642 welcome to the world of asexuality, buddy! UMD's pride alliance has groups and stuff for that, there are plenty of people like you.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 07:34 PM

#21655 I've been so depressed the past two years, that I've effectively killed my social life and apparently have alienated my best friend. Just tried to talk to them about something that was weighing on my mind and they basically gave me the girl to guy equivalent of "k" I hate life right now.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 06:29 PM

#21656 There are two things I can't stand in this world. Apathy and being vague. If you're an asshole and you're vague, I will throat punch you without hesitation.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 05:26 PM

#21657 To #21642 I know exactly where you are coming from. It was until I was age 23 that I first experienced anything remotely close to attraction. Like I'm not blind, I can tell someone is hot, but that was never enough for me to simply be attracted to them. Yeah they look good, so what. That's the way I thought. It wasn't until I met a special girl through sheer circumstances that I experienced true attraction. I worked with this one girl for several months. Never thought about her other than a coworker. One night I noticed she was just having a shit day. So being the nice guy I was I offered to hang out with her to maybe cheer her up. Well she said yes. And when we hung out we cranked and talked about all sorts of things. The more she talked about herself to me, the more I found myself becoming attracted to her. Even though she was telling me things most guys would have had their dicks shrink for. I met my soul mate that night. Attraction isn't just about outer beauty, sometimes people are more attracted to the mind and how it works. But of course it's not just any mind will do. My advice to you is to not give up hope. Love finds you in the least likely of places. You just have to be open and willing to accept it when it finds you.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 05:08 PM

#21659 I've been into anime since I was a young kid. I used to stay up late and watch adult swim starting back in like 2002. I was roughly ten. So I've seen cowboy bebop, trigun, blue gender, FLCL, Evangellion etc etc. I dislike how many people discreadit my love for anime because I prefer dubs to subs. Like excuse me for not wanting to read while I WATCH tv. I mean if I wanted to read I'd grab a fucking book. I want to pay attention to what's going on in the scene rather than spending my time hearing Japanese and being forced to read to understand the context. Which brings me to my next thing. Why the fuck does Netflix have animes that I know for a fact have dubbed versions but they only have the dubbed version for them? Like case closed for example. Gainax dubbed that anime why doesn't Netflix have the option for dub? I mean they did it for bebop. It's just so frustrating. All of it. If you're a weabo that gives non weabos shit for liking dubbed versions you can get bent.
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 03:22 PM

#21658 I've never been good at planning things. Because given enough time I begin to over think things and shit just falls apart at the seams. But when I'm thrown into a situation where I need to make quick decisions I'm fucking on point. i rarely make bad moves when under pressure. Which just confuses the hell out of me. It definitely makes for an annoying life that's for sure...
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Saturday, 28 April 2018 01:54 PM

#21662 I've met my soul mate. I dated them. But I wasn't ready for them to be in my life and I fucked it all up because I wasn't ready to grow up. I know the heart is fickle and can change given time, but I honestly think this will end up being the biggest regret of my life.
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Terps Stats

Total Confessions: 22290
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 69

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