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Monday, 30 April 2018 05:55 AM

#21665 I get along with people older than me and younger than me. For some reason, I don’t get along with people that are my age.

Monday, 30 April 2018 05:30 AM

#21667 Today’s Hip Hop is not even Hip Hop, it’s rap and it’s trash. Tupac even predicted this years ago. He basically said if no one had the balls to rap about real shit current events/situations, hip hop was going to go downhill where people are going to start talking about partying and fucking. And it did. He said that’s what us African Americans are gonna talk about when they (music industry, govt, Illuminati) don’t let us talk about what we really wanna talk about. The things AA wanted to rap about was gun violence, police brutality, poverty, bringing the black community together and so on.

Monday, 30 April 2018 05:16 AM

#21669 Am I the only one that doesn’t consider a PS4 game to be completed until I received a platinum trophy on the game?
I know the trophies have doesn’t benefit me in no kind of way whatsoever except maybe an ego boost. I guess that’s the perfectionist in me.

Monday, 30 April 2018 05:05 AM


I wish I had your life if that was your biggest regret. Time marches on. There is no "one and only" that you only get one shot at. And even if there was you don't get a lifetime of happiness solely from finding a "soulmate."
If you are unhappy with your life another person isn't going to fix it for you. Yes being in love is wonderful, being married or in a long term relationship can be wonderful. But it's not necessary to be happy, and if you're unhappy and drag someone else into it you'll be worse off and so will they. Get out and love yourself, set goals, meet them, get to where you want to be and you'll get more opportunities to meet someone who makes you happy to share it with. If I married the first person that I pined after, dead sure they were "the one", I'd have been trapped in a loveless marriage with unwanted children working a dead end job at 20. Now I have good career, a house, and married my best friend from college who I love more than anything. Passion and infatuation don't equate lifetime happiness. Kind of the point of Romeo and Juliet.

Monday, 30 April 2018 03:58 AM

#21663 It's 7am, and I'm already done with the internet for today

Sunday, 29 April 2018 09:09 PM

#21668 I have come to the conclusion that I am hopelessly, undeniably, insanely in love with one of my close friends. She’s the first person I think of in the morning, the last one I think of at night, and apparently I say her name in my sleep while cuddling a stuffed Pikachu (yes, I know, very masculine of me). When I was super drunk one night and had blacked out, the only person’s voice that I reacted to was hers, and she snapped me back to coherence. I really am in love with her.

Backstory: I met her because she used to date one of my friends (who brought me into my friend group for the first time). I thought she was cute then but didn’t say anything for obvious reasons. They had a messy breakup and I stood by her side through it, when she thought our friend group had left her. I know it’s love because I get the same feeling when I think of my mother and little brother, except this is so much stronger due to my romantic feelings for this girl. My friend is an ass for treating her badly and I know I will treat her like the princess she is (because I already do in some ways as her close guy friend).

I admitted my feelings to her earlier this semester, and she said she didn’t feel the same way (but she teared up and apologized to me, saying she couldn’t imagine how hard it must be to know that she didn’t feel the same way I did. Now, I’m still her close guy friend and our friend group is splintering, but I only care about her and will stick by her side.

I still am deeply in love with her and being near her everyday is bittersweet and it hurts because I love being with her but I know she doesn’t feel the same way as me. After she “rejected” my advance, I told her I’d never bring up the subject again and she hugged me. I remember the feeling of that hug every damn day. Should I continue to keep things the way they are and hurt every day, or should I tell her I’m still in love with her and see how she reacts this time? (I’d be fine if I hadn’t promised not to bring it up again, because breaking a promise to her is worse than’s caused her pain in the past)

I don’t know what to do. I need her in my life but is it worth the twinge of pain I feel everytime she holds my hand or hugs me or laughs at my jokes or smiles and shakes her head at me when I do something stupid. Should I tell her or pretend the feelings don’t exist?

Sunday, 29 April 2018 06:03 PM

If you genuinely think Mumble Rap is "90%" of Hip Hop or that 90% of hip hop is garbage, you're not old, you're just ignorant. Hip Hop is a diverse genre with rappers and artists of several different talents and styles. If you limit yourself to what's on mainstream pop media then that's on you.

P.S. Trying to hide ignorance with an empty or facetious comment such as "the hip hop that acted as vessel for African American or urban culture" just makes me cringe considering you clearly know nothing about Hip Hop.

Sunday, 29 April 2018 03:37 AM

#21653 Am I just old or is 90% of hip hop today just garbage? I don't get mumble rap at all. It's talentless and doesn't in anyway feel connected to the hip hop that acted as vessel for African American or urban culture.

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