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Total Confessions: 22290
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 05:26 PM

#21759 Why are there black asgardians but no white wakandans?
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 04:11 PM

#21758 So I'm kinda shocked at who I like... this women I met on tinder is older, and way heavier, but she's beautiful to me, idk why I usually dont care for anyone, but damn.
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 03:55 PM

#21720 Say what you mean and mean what you say, and you'll never have to soften a statement, lol!
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 05:10 AM

#21714 I hate it when people say "lol" after a statement. I get using it in response to a joke or something funny but ....

"When you make a statement followed by it, you just sound like a tool lol!"
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Friday, 04 May 2018 11:54 PM

#21729 I feel like this is the only place I can go to, to freely admit that I'm not over you... and I still don't want to be...
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Friday, 04 May 2018 08:33 PM

#21721 Uncircumcised dick is a turn off to me. I don't have time to play peekaboo
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Friday, 04 May 2018 06:31 PM

#21717 Wtf all these old ppl on this page for?
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Friday, 04 May 2018 02:37 PM

#21761 I have been rejected, insulted and disrespected my men so many times I lost count. I don’t even put effort into my appearance anymore. Whether I’m wearing makeup or not, I have been told I look like a man, been asked if I was a tranny, been asked if I am a female, been told I look like fish, lizard, bird,etc. Since then I have been very content with being single and learned to love it. I used to be one of those women who thought a relationship would make me happy. I love my space and being able to enjoy my own company. As my as my self esteem it’s a batttle, some days I hate how I look and some days I love myself. The times that I do wear it, love how I look in makeup I have been told I look like Rihanna, Malia Obama and Alicia Keys even though I don’t see it. Since I hardly ever wear makeup (because I hate how it feels on my face) I’m trying to embrace being natural, some days I love it and some days I hate it. But I know one day I’ll love it, it just takes time.
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Terps Stats

Total Confessions: 22290
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 69

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