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Sunday, 06 May 2018 06:54 PM

#21725 Timeless
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Sunday, 06 May 2018 05:55 PM

#21726 Majority of the pretty girls have ugly personalities
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Sunday, 06 May 2018 05:26 PM

#21724 When I use the bathroom I use baby wipes instead of toilet paper.
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Sunday, 06 May 2018 05:25 PM

#21723 When texting I use "lol" a lot so that people won't think I'm serious.
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Sunday, 06 May 2018 09:47 AM

#21736 Life has not been kind to me. It's given me the shit end of the stick at every turn. The one time I thought I was breaking the trend just ended up being the biggest shit end of the stick deal of my life. A girl I thought was my savior ended up being my biggest defeat and let down. I did everything and anything she wanted me to do. But it was never enough. She left me broken hearted and disheveled. And even after everything thing I've been through, after all the shit I've dealt with, all the sadness and anger that fills me, I still can't find a way to wish bad upon her. I hope she's doing fine. I hope she has a great life. And I hope she never has to go through what she put me through. Idk what that says about me.
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 10:51 PM

#21718 As a pretty girl it throws you off when you get friend zoned...
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 09:09 PM

#21722 Question for any women courageous enough to answer: Have you ever had power fantasies of dominating men? I'm into femdom and it's very rare that I ever meet women IRL or on the internet who ever want to be in that position. Not so much bondage and leather as being mentally and/or physically more powerful than me, sitting on a throne, and giving me permission to grovel, worship, let you do whatever you want to me, etc. NOT trying to slip into anyone'e DMs (unless you want me to), just interested in posting this anonymously to see how common or rare it is. Pretty sure this message won't get any replies, but if you do, feel free to reveal your thoughts, or just share anecdotes (I have a friend who's into this, etc).
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Saturday, 05 May 2018 08:45 PM

#21748 Long and potentially disturbing read incoming.

I'm diagnosed with mental illness and live at my grandparents’ house. I’m 29. When I was in my teens I molested my 10 year old sibling. She left our family because of it. I have not molested anyone since and have not ever had sex out of fear of bad touching someone (not that the opportunity presents itself often if at all).

I’ve graduated college but did not get very far in my career due to my body language and subtle behaviors apparently giving away my secret and losing any connections. I did get one internship handed to me - a job as an illustrator at a place that makes children’s books. Yep, seemed pretty fucked up to me as well, and I was faced with one of the hardest choices of my life - deny the internship necessary to graduate and ruin any chance at bettering my career and life, or take the internship and don’t fuck up but risk being around children, ruining the company’s reputation, ruining my reputation, etc. Seeing as how option A was throwing everything I worked for away, and option B was ONLY a risk (and I knew controlling my behavior would not be a problem), I went with B. Worked there for ten months. They even let me work from home often.

I finished the first big project I was hired to do - design a website. The second thing was illustrating a book. I took a bit longer than I was supposed to, and the art style I needed to replicate was not as good as it should have been, but it was still decent. I think the stress of fearing that Chris Hansen “have a seat right here” moment plus the desire to not fuck things up might have made me subconsciously sabotage my image there (better to deliver something ok late, get paid and and look like a hack than be at peak talent, do a fantastic job, and improve my reputation going into the children’s book industry). In the end, on my last day in the office, the Chris Hansen moment still happened (the CEO led me in a room with a kid that looked about ten years old, told me to sit down over there, read my emotional expression and body language and that was that).

Since then, I haven’t worked at all. Live at grandparents house. Oddly enough, I had a normal relationship with my other sister. She is one of the few in the family that really forgave me. But in retrospect, it seems more like naivety perhaps due to blocking out the memory, I dunno. I had some nervous breakdowns (literally, as I crashed my car and wandered around the city for a night. I just remember walking through snow (the final project was due tomorrow and I was supposed to meet up with my study group) and around a district downtown. I paid for a cab to take me home and studied with them for a while before flipping out to wander around THEIR neighborhood for a while. Fortunately the got an email that the presentations the following day were all cancelled due to the ice on the roads.

Because of that, I was admitted to a mental hospital. Well, that, and my suicide attempt due to thinking a hitman was going to kill me and everyone I knew to get to my father’s death insurance. Fuck, I was crazy.

In the mental hospital, I learned that my sister was dating a new dude. She has always dated cool bros so I was interested in meeting him. He…was not interested in meeting me, it seems. Not sure if he had called the payphone in the mental hospital or what, but while sitting at the dining table I overheard another patient talking to someone about a couple having trouble knowing what to do with a family member. I heard [sister’s name] and [potential bro in law’s name] and my ears perked up. I walked over to ask them if they knew them and immediately was greeted with the message: “…AND [POTENTIAL BRO IN LAW’S NAME] SAYS FUCK YOU! *flips me off*.

After leaving the mental hospital I was left with that time bomb to disarm. For one thing, I wasn’t even sure if it WAS a message from him, even though the evidence seemed to line up. And even if he DID hate me, would he be wrong? My past history of literally molesting my other sibling, a child at the time, out of the family and never really paying for it. It’s possible that he found out and simply wasn’t gonna fuck with that.

So I was left with yet another hard choice: Bring this up to my sister, him, or another family member…or not at all. But the second option meant navigating the minefield for holidays and public events. If he was aware of my past and felt that angered by it, THAT would obviously be the moment the time bomb exploded. I am simply not a good enough liar to avoid acknowledging the time bomb. So I simply avoided meeting him. This is the part where I mention he was iranian american because my actions here would possibly make me look like a racist trashmonster, like I didn’t approve of my sister dating him. In reality I never gave a fuck. I was hyped to meet him. But it seems like the decision of whether or not we would ever get along was made for me. I did meet him finally at a restaurant with my sis, mom, and grandparents. It did not go well. The fact that I was high on several ambien did not help. My nerves were shot and the bomb exploded. Nothing horrible was said, but again, my nervous body language and the mania in my voice gave it away. I clearly looked like I had a problem with him. Well played, I guess.

The wedding happened in January. I did not show up. Since then I have been disowned by most family members including my sister and most of the remaining few family members who was rooting for my feeble attempt to better myself. Maybe I didn’t, but it seems that way due to not getting any birthday wishes from anyone except my mom, two aunts and grandparents.

This is my shit life now, unemployed and living at my grandparents’ house with no friends and almost no family. The clock is ticking and my ride will be over soon. Fuck me for choosing to being a piece of shit child molester at age 14 and double fuck me for thinking it was realistic to move past it and better myself.
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