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Wednesday, 09 May 2018 09:31 AM

#21750 Trump didn't buy Kanye. Kanye decided he didn't want to subscribe to groupthink. I didn't realize a black man thinking for himself was so threatening. Gotta say, Democrats, that's kinda racist.
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Wednesday, 09 May 2018 04:18 AM

#21747 Did Trump buy.... Kanye?
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Wednesday, 09 May 2018 12:40 AM

#21746 Men with pink dicks turn me off. I like my meat well done.
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Tuesday, 08 May 2018 09:54 PM

#21754 I am so self conscious about my voice, I hate my voice so much. I avoid talking on the phone when it comes to paying bills, making appointments, ordering food, anything business related because nobody understands me or I’m constantly repeating myself.
Since I was a child up until now, I have always wondered why my voice never sounded normal like other people. I’m not sure if me being a premature baby has anything to do with it. When I had my baby teeth, my teeth were straight and my speech was okay, I had a lateral lisp (in which I can’t properly pronounce words with the s and z sound, I sound like Sid the Sloth). When my adult teeth grew in my speech was horrible, I sounded hideous. My teeth were ugly and grew in like an arrow. When I would speak I had to constantly swallow because saliva would build up the sides of my gums. On top of that I had that lisp so I sounded way worse than Sid the Sloth.
So after the 2nd grade I became a mute up until 10th grade. I only spoke to family, friends, teachers, principals. Pretty much everyone except for people in my age group and strangers. When I did speak to people my age I was mocked, laughed at, teased and was told/ asked “Why do you talk like that?”, “Do you talk with your tongue?”, “You sound funny.”, “You sound like a Russian.” I finally got braces in the 11th grade and had them for 2 years. When I had them taken off my teeth were straight of course but I still had my lisp but my voice wasn’t as horrible.
I never encountered another person who have a lisp. I wish I had someone to relate to. My voice and speech have had a negative impact on my life.
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Tuesday, 08 May 2018 06:40 PM

#21745 Womyn, especially white womyn, with brown vaginas turn me off. Like how does that happen?
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Tuesday, 08 May 2018 05:16 PM

#21755 I was having sex with this beautiful girl one time, while I was hitting it from the back I put my pointer finger in her butt hole, and performed a hooking motion, like come here, well I cought a piece of ?? and instead of stopping to vomit I just grabbed her hair and acting like I was pulling it but I really just smeared it into her hair
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Tuesday, 08 May 2018 03:36 PM

#21751 I'm kinda new here, how long has this page just been straight trolls?

Admin:August 6, 1991
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Tuesday, 08 May 2018 03:36 PM

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Terps Stats

Total Confessions: 22290
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 69

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