Wednesday, 09 May 2018 06:16 PM
Look, look, check me out
I broke up with my ex girl
Here's her number
Sike, that's the wrong number!
Sweet dolla tea from McDonalds, I drink that
Super Hot Fire, I spit that
2 and a Half men, I watched that (I'm not a rapper)
Hold it down, hold it down
I'm not a rapper
Aight, check me out
Glasses, jacket, shirt
Call me Glasses-Jacket Shirt-Man
Or call me Supa Hot Boy, hundred degrees, leather jacket
'Cause I'm Supa Hot, boy! (I'm not a rapper)
First of all, I'm not your friend, so stop lookin' at me
Second of all, I'm not a rapper, so stop rappin' at me
Alright, alright, check me out, check me out
I'm 'bout to end this man's whole career (damn) (what career?)
But I'm not a rapper, look
Boom, bam, bop
Bada-bop-boom, pow!
Wednesday, 09 May 2018 01:54 PM
#21752 Kanye has been hurting for cash and damaged his image. Trump has lots of cash(though not as much as he pretends to) and he has an established brand. Both men thrive off of controversy and lashing out. It would only make sense for them to team up. Trump offered to help Kanye with cash and they'd continue this crazy merry go round if absurdity that is 2018.