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Monday, 14 May 2018 04:27 PM

No you're an idiot and didn't even read your own link. They proved that the claim that it was"faked" was false. Palestinians were intact dancing in the street and praising bin laden. Getting hard to justify this one asshole.
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Monday, 14 May 2018 03:57 PM

#21793 Ok so I'm not the person posting about herpes and stDs and what not but here's my two cents. Let's look at UTI as an example for what I'm about to set up here. Now that's not a disease, it's just an ordinary infection. It will eventually go away. You can pass a UTI on to someone by having sex with them. Now let's look at Herpes since it's the goto around here. Herpes is a disease. Once you have herpes you got it and it ain't going away. It will always be there. It may not always be visable but it's there, lurking in the shadows. You can give that to someone even if you're not having an outbreak. so please tell me why something that can cause pain for some people is listed as an sti. Because saying "well std has this bad taste to it..". It's a disease. It should leave a bad taste in your mouth (no pun intended) is it as bad as HIV? No. No where close to as bad. But it's still a disease that no one wants if they can avoid it. So to tag onto another post, If you have herpes and you don't tell someone that you're about to have sexual relations with that you have it, I just have to ask, what went so wrong in your life that you think it's ok to potentially give someone else a disease without their knowledge? Hmm? I'd really love to know what kind of moron thinks that this is acceptable behavior. It's one thing for a person to be willing to take the risk versus having no clue. Like my ex had herpes. She told me right from the beginning, so I had the means to make my own decision. And had I decided, no I won't date you/have sex with you because you have herpes, that would have been perfectly fine. I did however choose to date her because I decided she was worth it. Which in the long run didn't pan out. We grew apart. But now I'm stuck with it. Which makes things complicated for me dating wise, but hey that's life. You win some you lose some. Oh well, I guess I like being able to sleep at night knowing I don't lie to people for (insert insanely stupid reason here) ok I'm done byeee.
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Monday, 14 May 2018 03:52 PM

#21792 It really isn't a fringe group. It was pretty wide spread in Palestine. Unless you're from or been to the Middle East you really don't have any leg to stand on when comparing them to "al right" or "skinheads". Obviously most people just want to live their lives and don't really hate anyone anywhere but Palestinians are pretty universally hated everywhere they go because this is exactly the kind of shit they do. Syria, Lebanon and Jordan all hate them because they regularly pull this shit in their country. Gulf countries don't even let them in.
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Monday, 14 May 2018 03:25 PM

#21790 Criticising Israel doesn't make you antisemitic.
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Monday, 14 May 2018 03:19 PM

#21791 @#21789 Snopes, a company reputable for verification of facts Published the following article

They found the "party in the streets" rumor to be false and unsubstantiated. Congrats, your hatred is based on a lie created by Islamaphobes.
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Monday, 14 May 2018 12:59 PM

"Yes let’s hate an entire group of people bc of the idiocy of a few. Yup, that sounds perfectly reasonable"

So we cool with white people now?
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Monday, 14 May 2018 12:30 PM

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Monday, 14 May 2018 12:24 PM

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