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Monday, 07 October 2013 09:29 AM

I see all these posts about guys wanting a redhead. Well, here I am. All you have to do is ask...who knows you might get lucky. Redhead's need a man who can handle her. So grow a pair and ask her out!
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Monday, 07 October 2013 09:18 AM

My guy best friend just told me he was in love me the day my fiance returned home after two years.....I'm scared I might lose my best friend. ...
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Monday, 07 October 2013 08:49 AM

It's annoying as fuck seeing how many girls are whoring themselves out at this school. It's also equally annoying how many guys get pissed off when I turn down their offer to fuck them. I'm sorry I have a boyfriend whom I love, and I'm sorry I'm not a whore. Yet, I've had so many guys up here sit there and call me a slut because I won't sleep with them. How the fuck does that even make sense?
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Monday, 07 October 2013 05:12 AM

At the point where I just wanna drink alcohol to forget about my sorry life.... Cheers to being 21!
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Monday, 07 October 2013 04:33 AM

I'm actually really starting to like this person but they say they aren't looking for a relationship right now yet I can't help but get jealous that I'm not their first favorite on snapchat or that they don't like my pictures and such like they do the others. It's tough.
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Monday, 07 October 2013 03:39 AM

I like this girl from Tinsly more than words can really describe... She knows it but doesn't feel the same way... She somehow "knows" she is going to marry this guy from home who is two grades below her... And it hurts more than I expected it too.
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Monday, 07 October 2013 03:37 AM

I have everything going for me a great family a girl a good group of friends but everyday still seems like it drags on and I can't tell why I feel down and for the longest time I always put up with it because I know other people have it worse and that I should be greatful but that doesn't work anymore and I just don't know what to do..
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Monday, 07 October 2013 03:32 AM

Some people say they have no friends, but don't do anything about it. Now, that is a problem with themselves. But what about people like me--people that actually try to make sure they put themselves out there? I've joined groups, gotten people's numbers (and texted them to hangout), tried striking up convos with strangers, leave my door open, but just keep being blown off, ignored, forgotten, unnoticed. And I'm tired of not being the fun, loving person that I am; I've been way to quiet for my own liking. I don't even have one for-sure friend. So now what do I do?
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Total Confessions: 14856
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 81

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