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georgefox Stats

Total Confessions: 4532
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 19

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Thursday, 03 May 2018 07:42 PM

I have an online friend (they are in high school and I am not) who is depressed and suicidal. I don't have any way of talking to his family and asking them to help him. I really don't know what to do and I'm getting worried!
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Thursday, 26 April 2018 04:02 PM

I just absolutely love it when I put in so much hard work/effort, study my butt off, and still fail my exam(s). So great right?
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Monday, 23 April 2018 08:27 PM

I see all the signs of "don't give up" everywhere, piles of them almost heaping up everywhere . . . but they don't help, and right now I'm feeling like giving up . . .
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Wednesday, 18 April 2018 09:26 AM

One of my biggest pet peeves in college: Teacher’s pets.
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Tuesday, 17 April 2018 10:33 AM

Does anyone else get stressed out by everyone else’s stress? Like I try to be cool, calm, and collected, but I have my friends over there stressing out about tests that I’m taking as well. And somehow they always get good grades. Is stress equivalent to getting A’s?? #latenightthoughts
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Monday, 16 April 2018 06:39 PM

To clarify a confession that I posted on April 7th, to whomever it concerns (mostly myself since my point seems to be missed entirely by some people in the comments), I'd like to actually address to what I called Christian laziness.

To begin with, let's start with the misinterpreted aspect to my confession, the whole "I'm not advocating that we need a place for other religions to practice" part that someone assumed meant "let's not give basic human rights to non-christians."
While I can perhaps see the confusion between these two statements, and while I'll ignore the fact that you attack only half my statement and don't give any leeway to what follows it, I'll explain what I ACTUALLY mean.
What I actually meant by saying "I'm not advocating that we need a place for other religions to practice" is in relation to our environment of George Fox, e.g., I'm not saying we need to start a Buddhist, Pagan, or Satanist club to raise awareness for the plights and misunderstandings those groups face. HOWEVER (and this is the part you neglected to take note of when you tore apart my confession), while I myself am not saying I will advocate for places for these people to practice (I'm not gonna go around starting a club for a religion I don't practice personally), I still believe we as Christians should be responsible human beings that actually know the differences between Pagans, Satanists, Buddhists, and any and all other religions.

As for why I believe this was something important to confess, and then come back to in order to clarify, it basically stems from a conversation I heard in the cafeteria earlier that week. In it, I heard three people tossing around the names of different religions (Paganists, Satanists, Buddhists, and Muslims) and using the terms interchangeably as if they all meant the same thing. But those religions aren't the same; they're different, vastly different! And this is why I wanted to make this point clear, because I guess in some sense, while I might not be one to create a club for these other groups, I still feel they deserve at least some semblance of respect to what makes them who they are.

So TL;DR, and probably soon to be misinterpreted version: I think faiths are unique, and while I am not of non-christian faiths, I believe those of non-christian belief deserve respect enough to be distinguished from one another, and not be clumped up into a piled mess of "they're the bad guys."
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Saturday, 07 April 2018 11:02 PM

Is it possible to be Christian if you don’t believe in God or that Jesus was more than a nice dude? I like the idea of being in a faith community but I can’t force myself to believe in something that I just...don’t.
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Wednesday, 04 April 2018 02:57 AM

The memories of what we used to have has kept me up till 4-5am every night for a week (yes I have 8am classes). Nothing seems to get you off my mind so I can move on and quit hurting. HELP!
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georgefox Stats

Total Confessions: 4532
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 19

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