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Total Confessions: 14967
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 04:35 PM

#1270 I want to have sex with a cute black chick, just a white boy that hasn't had the chance yet. =)
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 01:24 PM

#1269 Well the honest to god truth, I love fried burritos, and Mary. Together they are one nice experience, shout out my connect though. <3 8)
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 12:11 PM

#1268 So ,for reasons unbeknownst to me, I decided to torture myself last night by hanging out with one of my friends (girl) and her friend (guy) making the excuse that I wanted to see a movie I hadn't really seen when in actuality I felt like I needed to see that the way they've been acting together lately implied that they were going out or whatever. As I suspected,they were giggling and cuddling while I was awkwardly sitting there trying to mind my own business 1) cuz its just super awkward but more importantly 2)is that I like her and she knows that but we're pretty platonic right now especially since I was very stupid and tried to make a move on her waaaay too early earlier this semester; anyway it was excruciating and to that girl I want to say, I'm sorry for being such an idiot (much like I'm doing now with this post probably) and to that guy who may or may not start going out with her, if you decide to do so please for the love of God treat her right, she deserves that much at least if not a million times more and I know you're pretty cool which is why she likes you so please, please don't try to hurt her. If I can't make her happy then I'll be praying you can. So yea.... that's that I guess.
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 02:05 AM

#1267 My boyfriend and I know my suitemate likes to listen to us having sex...and we're turned on by it.
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 01:57 AM

#1266 If you're older than 12 and still play Pokémon, don't talk to me.
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 01:34 AM

#1263 I don't live in Texas anymore, but I stay subscribed on facebook to UNTC to remind myself of the hateful nightmare that Texas really is.
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 01:33 AM

#1256 I'm a guy, I'm straight, and I love anything that is pink and girly. My favorite thing ever is Hello Kitty, I also love things like Barbie, Winx Club, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears and My Little Pony (the old MLP from the 80's and early 2000's though; I don't really care for the new one that the bronies like. Too different for me). My dad would beat me whenever I told him I wanted a plushie instead of a GI Joe, so I've supressed this for so many years and have recently purchased tons of the toys and plushies under the disguise that they're for my younger sister. What's more is that unless you went into my solo apt. and saw all my stuff, you'd never be able to tell because I also love going to the gym and have a not so modest muscular build. I wish I could just let my friends know without them thinking I'm some sort of gay pedo or something. Weird, but I have no regrets!
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Sunday, 13 October 2013 01:08 AM

#1265 I think University Courtyards is the worst place to live in, some asshole pulled the fire alarm and it took the fire department about 20 minutes to come and about 40 minutes later alarm is still going off. And to whoever pulled the alarm I hope your happy because now everyone in building 8 is going to have a headache you asshole.......
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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