Monday, 14 October 2013 01:31 PM
#1284 My boyfriends mother is a controlling, manipulative bitch. I have been with him sense middle school and love him with all my heart, but his mother makes me feel so bad about myself. After every visit I lock myself in the bathroom and cry.
Every time I bring it up with him "I'm just trying to start a fight"
And if I try to tell her she's upsetting me I'm being rude.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Monday, 14 October 2013 11:24 AM
#1283 It's my second year here at UNT and I'm so tired of it, I wanna be at a college where football and greeklife are actually respected. there's too many hipsters and art freaks here, I feel like if I get a degree here I will be laughed at by future employers. I'm about to transfer to Tech, so see you later UNT
Monday, 14 October 2013 10:56 AM
#1282 This is a message to whoever posted Confession
#763 about the seizure. Such a great story but that incident happened to ME and not whoever posted that. It's wonderful that you can see something bad happen to someone else and anonymously post in UNT Confessions as though it happened to you in a sick attempt to thank... yourself.... for doing things you didn't do. The paramedic got my meds from my backpack and NOT you. I remember telling him where they were. NO, there was NO "nameless, faceless" female there who swooped in with gifts of water and breakfast (not sure why a seizure victim needs breakfast.) And if the line in the post about me not becoming fully aware until the ambulance ride, how in the green f*ck would I have remembered that you were female let alone offering food and water and medicine that wasn't even in my pocket. I'm guessing you saw what happened and posted here to congratulate yourself for being like Mother Teresa and saving the day. My seizures are real and embarrassing and horrifying and not something that some narcissistic Munchhausen hypochondriac can use to concoct a lie that makes them look like an anonymous good Samaritan hero. Shame on you. Shame of the highest degree. I hope one day you have a seizure in front of 1,000 people on campus and fall and split your forehead open so you know what it's really like instead of pretending it was you in order to feed what I assume is a narcissistic ego with quite the appetite. I'm glad I had an awful experience that you could pretend happened to you. You are a shit human being and there is a special place in Hell for you with all the other shit human beings who exploit sick and embarrassed people to feel like Supergirl. Go to Hell, fake hero. F*ck you with something hard and sand paper-y.
PS. I DID piss my pants, bitch. If you knew anything about seizures at all you would have known that happens almost every time. Do your research next time you want to pretend you're a sick person that you "helped"
Monday, 14 October 2013 04:14 AM
#1281 I tend to be very attracted to men who come on a little too strong sometimes. I don't have the guts to come on to anyone hardly. It's nice to see someone pick up the slack now and then.
Monday, 14 October 2013 01:27 AM
#1280 Don't slut shame on here because then the sluts and secret sluts and the people with slutty thoughts will think "dammit I wanna do this but I don't want them to think I'm a slut."
Monday, 14 October 2013 12:54 AM
#1279 I secretly laugh at people who try to con others by posting fake pics of themselves of Craigslist, POF, OK Cupid, etc. You are not clever! You know you can take any picture and reverse search it online and on Google, right? If your photo appears on a ton of other websites from the reverse search, you're a fake. If you're photo cannot be traced at all, you photo is most likely real. It makes me laugh that people are still being fooled/catfished...
Monday, 14 October 2013 12:16 AM
#1278 I challenge all you males to wear yoga pants. Meanwhile, us women gawk and drool over you. Just make sure you have a decent package to present. I mean that's what you say about us right?
Monday, 14 October 2013 12:16 AM
#1258 My roommates are 5-6 years younger than I am (they are 19 and 20) and are really naive (their words, not mine). They are nice and we get along well enough, but I feel like I'm corrupting them or exposing them to inappropriateness when I have my "friend" over. It's not an every night occurrence, maybe once or twice a week. His roommate is super conservative and a total douche, so his place is even worse to get together at. We're kinda kinky, and I can be loud (when not gagged). We stay out of the common areas and I try to let them know in advance when he's going to be over. Is there anyway for me to get past the awkwardness with the roommates that this has caused?