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Monday, 14 October 2013 06:48 PM

#1292 I am a female. I have been attracted to women since senior year in high school I've dated around tried to ignore the feeling of being with a woman for a year or two so I dated males and even had intimate encounters with a few but in my heart I knew I wouldn't be happy spending the rest of my life with a guy. I feel that it wouldn't be fair to him to drag him along just to look like society says I should as a woman. After fighting long and hard with myself a yr and a half ago I decided to accept who I am and do what makes me happy which is being with another woman.I'm finally settled down and I'm truly the happiest I've ever been and I'm pretty sure I'm dating the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I came out to my friends at last yr and a few of my family members and they've embraced me and I'm extremely grateful. I just want the rest of my family to know so I can live my life without hiding the love I have for the girl of my dreams. Thing is I come from a very strong "religious, church oriented" background and I know I'll have to come out to my family eventually and I'm sure they won't take it well. I just want to be happy and I don't want to pretend that a man makes me happy when it's indeed a woman. I don't know how to approach the situation nor do I know when it would be a good time to even bring it up. With the seriousness of our relationship and the fact that we're contemplating moving in together next fall I don't want to hide it from my family anymore. I just want to be open about who I really am and be happy.
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Monday, 14 October 2013 06:24 PM

#1291 I'm sick of trying to find people who aren't into smoking or drinking. I know it's college, and I wouldn't mind being friends with people who do the above, but right now I really need friends who will help guide me in the direction that I'm trying to go in and that's being sober. I just recently started going to AA for help, and it's really difficult being friends with people who spend their time talking about alcohol or partying. Not that I have anything against it. I'm just trying to avoid it 100% right now in any way that I can. I know it's college and people will be drinking and smoking, but it'd be nice to find some people who don't. It's really sad that yes, even in college, how hard it is to find people under 21 that don't drink.
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Monday, 14 October 2013 06:08 PM

#1290 got drunk as fuck the other night at my buddy's dorm the other night. i left around 1 in the morning and stood outside waiting for the eRide service to come and pick me up. as i stood there waiting, another person walked up and stood next to me. he stood uncomfortably close to me, like he was trying to make me uncomfrotable. so i moved away a few inches but each time i moved he moved closer seconds later. i was angry and drunk enough to finally shout out "what the FUCK is your problem?! get the fuck away from me, you creepy dick." the guy didn't say a word. he just kept staring ahead. a few moments later, he walked away into the dark. "better walk away, bitch." i shouted at him. another five minutes passed when the bus finally arrived. when the bus door opened, i felt someone squeeze my ass and whisper into my ear "pow pow." i spun around but no one was there. fuck all y'all creepy ass hippie looking motherfuckers, squeezing my ass and shit. scared the shit out of me
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Monday, 14 October 2013 05:44 PM

#1289 I am a bisexual who is currently dating a guy, I am a guy but holy shit I need gay friends! My straight friends don't get me sometimes... I want to hang out, not fuck. Where all my LGBT's at???
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Monday, 14 October 2013 05:05 PM

#1288 Reading this page has seriously ruined UNTs image for me. I can't go out and about without fear that I'll get some judgmental assfuck in my face, like I'm afraid If I wear my gamer clothing, some generic douches will jump me for it, and if I wear my generic clothes like a polo some hipster douche will accuse me of being some scumbag frat guy. I've had to get on medication and it's currently the only thing keeping me sane. Fuck this, if I don't get over this paranoia I'd say I'd go back to my old town but I hate that place so much I'd rather kill myself than go back and I just might kill myself because I can't stomach the though that I'm being judged maliciously by some douche that will probably stab me or something because he doesn't like something about me. I'd been bullied and beaten over this type of shit ever since middle school and I still have a multitude of scars and bruises to prove it. Animalistic instincts for self defense can take over at any minute and whoever that unlucky person who says some bullshit to me will wish they'd died after I'm finished with them.
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Monday, 14 October 2013 04:51 PM

#1287 For all you girls looking for a hook up with a guy, I will share with you something I have used a few times that has worked very well. Go up to a guy you think is cute and want to hook up with and tell him you just broke up with your boyfriend. Then say "have you ever had one of those days where you are jus really horny?"
It has always worked for me but there's always the chance he's not into hooking up with a stranger or he is in a relationship. You just have to take a chance.
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Monday, 14 October 2013 03:41 PM

#1286 If you live in an apartment and your neighbor is being loud, tell them first before you go to management, if they continue to be loud then seek management. Bitch move...
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Monday, 14 October 2013 02:52 PM

#1285 Procrastination is killing me, I should be studying, but yet I am on Facebook.. AGAIN
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