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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 12:44 AM

#1308 I once took a trip to the Home Depot while shroomed. I swear one of the forklift trucks started talking to me like if I was Bob the fucking Builder or some shit. One hell of a trip I tell ya what.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 12:41 AM

#1307 The Dillards in Denton sucks. The people there are always rude and snobby. Whoop Dee Fuckin Doo! You work at Dillards. Making what $10 an hour? Cool. The management there are fucking airheads. I think the only department I could tolerate was the women's shoes, probably because they make commission. And the manager is smoking hot.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 12:36 AM

#1306 Recently I found out that my ex boyfriend was dumped by this girl that he was with for almost a year. I'm friends with him now and I know he's really crushed about it. I can't help but feel bad for him, but at the same time I feel that he deserves it because he dumped me sort of the same way she dumped him. It was different in a way that she dumped him for another guy and he just ended it with me because he liked another girl, but he didn't end up with her. He still talks to his current ex now and really after finding out why she dumped him she really seems like such a slut to me. I don't want to tell him not to talk to her, but really I shouldn't be worrying about my ex anyways because I've moved on and have a boyfriend now. Still I feel like I should say something to him or even think about cutting ties with him altogether because he's just as worse. What should I do? He keeps texting me like we're close.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 12:33 AM

#1305 If you catch me staring at you, 9 times out of 10 I'm checking out your tattoos. I have my own, but I'm always fascinated at what others have and the stories behind them.
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Monday, 14 October 2013 11:47 PM

#1304 The professor for pop music and american culture is a flat out motherfucker
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Monday, 14 October 2013 11:34 PM

#1303 This girl I know well, let's call her "K.G.", is a great girl but has been dating and living with a guy I know for 5+ years. I recently learned, without her knowing I know, that said guy cheated on her a few weeks ago. I felt really bad for her because I've always felt like cheating on a significant other is the worst thing you can to someone you said you loved. "K.G." though kept it really quiet and thought that only very few select people knew. Since I couldn't say anything to her without giving up my source, I stayed really quiet and just watched it play out for a week. Much to my surprise "K.G." stayed with this guy and is acting like nothing ever happened. Should I feel bad that I lost most of the respect that I had for her? I know it doesn't affect me personally but I just hate to see someone (guy or girl) get cheated on and it just makes it that much worse to actually know the person pretty well.
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Monday, 14 October 2013 11:19 PM

#1302 The thirst is so real. How hard is it to find a guy to just fuck me now?
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Monday, 14 October 2013 11:14 PM

#1301 Dear Ladies & Gentlemen, I completely understand that sometimes we get lonely and just want someone to spend time with us, as well as to understand us. We are all in such a rush to grow up and find that perfect partner... But have you ever just sat down and realize that you aren't ready for that person yet. Eventually that time will come, but for now we should focus on making something out of our lives. Find something that truly makes you happy and learn to love yourself for you, without having someone’s approval. Eventually after all this that person will come into your life. You just have to prepare for him/her, be patient, and have faith in God!
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