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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 08:33 AM

#1316 If you call someone a hater, you are in fact, an idiot.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 06:46 AM

#1315 Is there anywhere that I can have access to a drum set on campus to practice? No I'm not a music major. No I don't have my own drum set.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 02:22 AM

#1314 Can we all just start a mutual agreement that it's OK to fart around each other? I'm sick of holding it in!! My flatulence needs to be FREE!
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 02:14 AM

#1313 I hate when women use the "you've never experienced the pain of childbirth" argument against me. Like, really bitch? More than half the time they've never experienced it either!
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 02:11 AM

#1312 Like, I don't mind that my ex is dating other men or whatever, that's cool. What I do mind is that she made up this bullshit excuse for leaving me, and then I find out that she's boning these guys she swore she wasn't into when she was with me. I'm not mad at her for doing that, but I am mad at those guys for having the nerve to hit on a woman who they know full well is with someone, and every time I see them at bars/parties I have to fight every instinct I have to slit their throats. That shit is disrespectful-- obvious hyperbole, but am I overreacting here?
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 01:32 AM

#1311 To the girl that works in Kerr that i see quite regularly. You are beautiful. You are from Georgetown and you have an accent. It was very nice speaking to you for the first time when you worked behind the burger station. I hope we can do it again.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 12:58 AM

#1310 I remember dating this sweet blonde girl in early highschool and the relationship was nice while it lasted. Soon after we broke up she moved out of state and I didn't see her for years. One fateful day through the last week in my junior year of college I ran into her again by surprise. Turns out she was going to this school the next semester, but that's not what surprised me. She had gained A TON of weight, but being the gentleman that I am I didn't say anything. When she added me on facebook later that day I looked at some previous photos of her. Turns out she had been dating only black guys since I last saw her, and they looked like they loved making her thick. I feel like shit now because now I know that if I try to get it in this time my wiener will just be another hot dog down a hallway.....
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 12:52 AM

#1309 I moved to Texas 7 years ago as a sophomore in high school. After a year being in the state, I was gang raped by 5 of my classmates. I went into severe depression after that and started acting out which lead me to drug and alcohol abuse. Sports were my outlet for a long time because I've never been able to talk about what happened to me and that was the only way I knew how to let out my frustrations. I started to pick fights and lost my sports scholarship to a D2 school after I suffered a few injuries my Junior and Senior year. In the 5 years it's been since I had to give up sports and the 6 years since I was raped, I haven't felt genuinely happy. I thought I'd kill myself but I'm too scared to actually go through with it. Last January my doctor found a lump in my breast and I prayed that it would come back cancerous because I needed something else to kill me besides my own hand. It came back benign and I acted relieved so no one would think I was weird and wanting to die. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that night 6 years ago and how my life could have been different if I had just stayed home that weekend.
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Total Confessions: 14967
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