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Total Confessions: 14967
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Monday, 09 March 2015 04:32 PM

What is the point in UNT having their own, full fledged Police force? We give these bozos brand new cars and equipment, (paid for half by tuition and half by ticket revenue) to sit around all day and be ass holes. Every UNTPD officer I have come in contact with have been extremely rude and condescending. At this point, i completely understand and fully support the pressure the public has been putting on these institutions. They believe themselves to be untouchable and all mighty because of a badge.

Did you know UNT has an issue with rape and assaults occurring on campus? You wouldn't know that, because none of it is ever recorded in the crime logs. If you reference the 60 day crime log, all you will find is arrests for drug related crimes. We are paying these people to sit around, eat up a huge portion of our tuition, to arrest drug possessors.

My message to the UNTPD, stop wasting my tuition money by arresting minor drug offenders and get the fuck to work on the sexual assault problems.... Oh and stick to campus boys. You technically do have jurisdiction in the entire county, but I'm not paying for a police force for the city/county of Denton. You are the UNTPD not the DPD. If you wanna pull people over miles away from campus, quit and see if DPD will hire you...
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Monday, 09 March 2015 02:13 PM

I'm up to #11 in my quest to masturbate in every building on campus! So glad my classes are more diverse this semester!
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Monday, 09 March 2015 07:01 AM

If you stopped to help someone at an intersection on campus on Monday March 9th. I need to find you. I didn't get the chance to say thank you. We need more people like you in this world. I would like to find this person to personally thank them and let them know everything turned out okay.
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Friday, 06 March 2015 10:07 PM

A lot of people claim that for attractiveness, it's whats on the inside that counts. Don't get me wrong that is true, but I think the outside is just as important. There HAS to be at least a certain level of physical attractiveness for a relationship to work. Saying you love someone for their personality and knowing themselves they're not particularly attracted to their looks IS a problem. I don't think it's shallow to weigh looks just as much as personality. After all we all have different preference of physical features that we find more attractive then others and we can't help that, it's biological.
More often than not when you meet someone for the first time, how they look is probably the first thing you will notice about them. Within just a few seconds you will instantly now whether or not you are physically attracted to them. Then you can proceed to find out if you're attracted to their personality, which takes much more time. You can't help noticing one's appearance before one's attitude, it's just the way it works. And if you realize within a few seconds you don't find someone physically attractive, it's a waste of time trying to be attracted to them just off of their appearance. You deserve better than to try to compromise! You deserve (and should want to) to search for a partner that you are physically AND emotionally attracted to. Long story short, I think looks are just as important as personality, and looks is a much faster way to gage potential partners, and should generally be considered first.
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Friday, 06 March 2015 09:57 PM

This will come off as rude, but I'm genuinely curious: how do people get fat? I don't exercise regularly and never go to the gym. All i do is walk around campus and have an occasional ball game with friends but that's it. I don't even eat well either. I have sugary drinks with every meal, don't eat vegetables and barely any fruit. I like to snack on junk food and eat out a lot too. And yet, I'm slim (I'm male, 5'9", and 120 lbs). So I don't understand... how can people get so fat? how much do you NOT have to exercise and how much do you have to eat to get obese? Yeah, very few people have health issues which they can't help but when I'm reminded that 1/3 of the country is fat, how is that even possible?
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Friday, 06 March 2015 05:22 PM

I would never date a girl. But I would fuck one. I'm a girl btw.
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Friday, 06 March 2015 05:21 PM

Am I conceited if I have a picture of myself as my lock screen on my phone???
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Friday, 06 March 2015 02:39 PM

I was having a one night stand last week, and in an effort to not nut so quickly, I started to think about the Holocaust. That couldn't stop me from cumming, so not only did she get pissed off and leave, but I accidentally offed myself to one of the biggest episodes of genocide in human history.
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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