Wednesday, 11 March 2015 05:37 AM
Not to sound like a dick but defining deviancy down is definitely disastrous, distasteful, and despicable.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015 01:18 AM
I hate when you get a friends request from people who use anime pics like wtf I don't remember going to high school with goku smh
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 08:59 PM
Ive Been with my bf since high school. We are going on 4 years and before him I had a lot of sex with a lot of people. Sometimes I kind of resent being with him because I want to go back to that. I'm in colleg, I want to experiment with other people besides the same person over and over. Deep down I do want to marry him, but I want to have fun before I grafuate
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 08:27 PM
Bailey C. is by far the one girl that has truly stolen my heart at first glance, but her personality has me falling for her even more.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 03:40 PM
To that thread the other day about needing a white history month if we have a black history month, which was filled with comments by the time I saw it, the concept of both is stupid. Do you know why? Because then we'd need an Asian history month, and a Hispanic history month, and a Native American history month, and that's just the ones that have a decent amount of people in the US. It's honestly best if we just get rid of the entire concept instead of making half the damn year history months.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 10:46 AM
One Piece is so stupid. They spend hundreds of episodes looking for one piece when they can just go to KFC and get a three piece for like $5.99
Tuesday, 10 March 2015 01:27 AM
This afternoon as I was walking to my car which was parked in the G lot near the football stadium and everything I saw something that was a WTF moment. As I was approaching my vehicle I saw a girl with a guy in a car that was parked right next to mine and she was blowing him while she was topless, I startled the shit out of them as I was getting close to my car that the dude saw me and hauled ass out of the parking lot and the girl was trying to cover up by putting her shirt back on but I saw them boobies, score one for me then after they left I stood there for a moment and busted out laughing until I pissed myself.
Monday, 09 March 2015 07:18 PM
To the random dudebro who ran into the anime club's formal gaming night on Saturday at Willis and skipped around the room singing at the top of your lungs to mess with us and run out (while your friend filmed), you're an ass. We weren't doing anything to you. That was the only event of the year I can get past my anxiety to go to and dress up for, I almost had a panic attack while convincing myself to go. And you decided to fuck with it. Hope it was worth it.