Saturday, 30 November 2013 02:54 AM
#2485 Drake may be the type of nigga that tells bitches that rape is wrong. But I be the type of nigga that tells WOMEN that rape is wrong, that they have every right to defend themselves, and to even help out a woman under assualt.
#ladiesman #sickofsocietalbullshit #drake
Saturday, 30 November 2013 01:05 AM
#2484 I have a serious cocaine addiction that's spiraling out of control.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 01:03 AM
#2483 I seriously want to snatch up a TAMS kid and tar and feather them.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 01:01 AM
#2482 While all you gamer fags are waring over which new console is better, I'm getting pussy and having a real social life. By the way I was able to afford both of them and have already received gaming head while playing both at (at separate times of course, even I'm not that awesome).
Saturday, 30 November 2013 12:51 AM
#2481 I seriously believe gay people are just doing it for the attention.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 12:47 AM
#2480 People think I'm from a well off family because I'm never broke and have nice things for a kid in college. I'm actually a male stripper and that is what's paying for everything.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 12:45 AM
#2479 Will someone please just have sex with me already.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 12:42 AM
#2478 I have a really strong tape fantasy and I'm afraid I might act out on it..