Monday, 02 December 2013 01:46 AM
#2493 I love giving my bf head when he plays video games. He swears he does better when I'm doing it. I just get off on the idea of it all.
Monday, 02 December 2013 12:40 AM
#2492 You know that totally obnoxious Aerosmith song from "Armageddon" that they always played at your prom or homecoming dance? I LOVE IT!
Sunday, 01 December 2013 11:04 PM
#2490 whoever the fucking asshole at maple who parked their motorcycle in a regular parking space, I hate you. There is an area in the lot that is SPECIFICALLY for motorcycles, which is a lot closer to the building than the spot that you parked in. You are lucky that I pay attention, because twice I have nearly crushed your fucking bike because I thought that the spot was empty. Next time I might just crush the fucking thing.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 09:05 PM
#2491 I have a Gemini addiction. It's ruining me. I need help.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 12:36 PM
#2489 I'm a large man and
#2329 is full of shit. Women aren't all over ginormous wieners the way they are in porn. Most women don't really enjoy that, they don't like getting their cervix smashed because it hurts, they don't like spending the first 2 minutes of intercourse just getting things sliding smoothly and also it isn't fun when you're never able to go all the way in. And don't even bother with good mouth coverage. Any guy that tells you it's awesome being huge is never really that big.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 11:33 AM
#2488 Heres a confession: I dont care about Paul Walker. And Fast and the Furious was stupid. Yay.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 09:10 PM
#2487 As a guy, I feel like I have accomplished a lot in my life. Lot of good friends, a nice car, a well paying job, an internship and I have a job lined up after college. I feel like I am set with my life in every aspect of it... except I am tired. I am just very, very tired. My luck with women never ceases to amaze me. Here I am just turned 23 yesterday and I just feel women never give me the time of day. I talk to a lot of women, but they never show any interest in me at all. They usually shrug me off, pretend not to hear me or suddenly become hostile with me. This trend has been happening to me since my junior year of high school. Lately, I just feel myself becoming very bitter, angry and annoyed when I am around women. I just don't feel like being around them anymore. I don't feel like talking to women anymore. And I don't feel like even looking at women anymore. These past few months, I have just been tuning women out and they obviously don't care. It feels like the only way women are happy to see me is if I go to Hooters or a strip club where they are happy to see me give them money. I am just not sure where to go from here with women.
Saturday, 30 November 2013 03:14 AM
#2486 A lot of people say they hate today's lack of human interactions due to internet and smart phones (despite the fact that the idiots complaining themselves are usually a part of the problem) but to someone like me, a friendless, antisocial, diagnosed social phobic and sociopath, it's a dream come true. All I gotta do is use the self checkout at target, send emails to get whatever I need done, and take online classes. In fact I've finally gotten all classes I cannot take online done so now I never have to see that shit hole campus or any of you ugly fuckers again! Starting January, I'll finally be living in a lone house in far west texas on a country road miles away from any towns or people! I'll be a true hermit and I wouldn't have it any other way.