Friday, 06 December 2013 08:28 PM
#2614 I don't give a single fuck what anyone says, Disney World is the best fucking place on the planet.
Friday, 06 December 2013 08:22 PM
#2613 I am a 23 year old virgin... I guess you can say it is 50% by choice. Since coming to college and going to Fry Street I've had quite a few opportunities to lose my virginity... but I just can't go through with it. I'm not afraid of having sex, per se. It is just that when girls on Fry Street hit on me and come on to me, I reject them. When I see these women, all I think about is STDs. I seriously wouldn't have a problem having a one night stand and losing my viriginty, but too many women fuck around with too many guys and it ruins it for me. I'd rather keep my virginity than fuck a girl that fucks everybody and get a potential STD.
Friday, 06 December 2013 07:40 PM
#2612 I find this girl really attractive. She lives at maple, and came to my wing meeting even though she is not from my wing. Today I based by her and noticed, she didn't have her glasses on like she normally does. Anyways, I find her attractive. I can't seem to talk to her when it comes to it. I wouldn't say I'm not attractive. I'm decent build and it's normally easy to talk to people. I caught her staring a couple of times, but other then that I don't really see her around. What do I do??
Friday, 06 December 2013 07:17 PM
#2611 Blind date...Like if you're down!!! (23/M)
Friday, 06 December 2013 07:12 PM
#2610 Dating sites are absolute trash... honestly. I just tried OKCupid, but deleted my account after a week on it. That site is full of potheads, women looking for sugar daddies, and baby mamas. No, I don't want to smoke weed with you everyday. No, I do not want to be your sugar daddy. No, I do not want to take care of your kid with you.
Friday, 06 December 2013 05:23 PM
#2609 The friendzone isn't about "I was nice to her and she didn't fuck me."
Peoiple use it that way, people think it's like that, but it isn't.
The friendzone is about the way it makes people feel when people they have a mad crush on and would do anything for use that TO THEIR ADVANTAGE. When a chick uses a dude's affections (or a dude uses a chick's) to exploit them, this is the friendzone.
It's also known as "leading someone on," but its worse, because the facade of friendship is left up while the crushee is using the crusher. Hence the "I was nice" trope.
This is the friendzone. I can't say I've been there, and neither have half of the dudes who claim to have, but it happens and it's damaging.
Friday, 06 December 2013 04:11 PM
#2606 I have a "friend" and I'm starting to see her true self more and more. From the beginning I should have known from how she treated me, but I was too blind. Now its not how she treat me but how she tries to put on facades and exaggerate things to make herself seem better than she is. Some stuff is like really girl, I witnessed certain things and was there. Sometimes I get so annoyed but don't want to say anything because there are still good things about her and I appreciate her friendship.
Friday, 06 December 2013 03:57 PM
#2608 Emily M.. You're going to most likely be creeped out by this, but I just need you to know that you're literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. We've met once, but I doubt you'll remember me. Just thought I'd let you know :)