Saturday, 07 December 2013 04:24 PM
#2622 This ice storm made me realize how much I hate sleeping alone.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 12:46 PM
#2621 Ladies, I shouldn't have to lose my best friend who's a guy because you're dating him. There's a reason your boyfriend and I aren't in a relationship already. Either I don't like him in that way, he doesn't like me in that way, or neither of us like each other that way. I don't know about other girls, but as for me, I am not one to try and break up a relationship because I like a guy, especially my best friend. That's just a fucked up thing to do. And since he chose you to be his girlfriend instead of me, that should say enough. If your boyfriend cheats on you with his best chick friend, then your boyfriend is a piece of shit and you deserve better. As I have specified that I'm a girl, I also want to say I do not care if my boyfriend has a best friend who's a girl. I've had many boyfriends who's girl best friends were hotter than me and I still let them hang out. And I'm not saying he has to choose me over you. I would just like to be able to hang out with my best friend every once in a while instead of you telling him we're not allowed to hang out ever. It's not fun losing a best friend.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 06:10 AM
#2620 My Confession has to be that i contemplated suicide back in highschool, I played Tennis, sang in Choir, and tried to play Golf. I was the stereotypical "faggot" in Highschool. I'm straight and always have been. I'm so glad to be out of Georgetown Highschool. Fuck that place and fuck the drama. Glad to be living with friends and happily with someone for more than 2 years. Just remember, suicide is never the answer, it's always darkest before the dawn.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 05:13 AM
#2619 To the guys out there... Is it a turn on if a girl squirts? I haven't really been with many people so I try and hold back just in case they don't like it. What should I do? Just let go and hope that they do?
Saturday, 07 December 2013 05:08 AM
#2618 After driving a rental car all day, I have been stuck in Dallas in this ice storm with no friends willing to come pick me up. Guess I gotta find some new ones.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 12:46 AM
#2617 To whomever stole my book on Ulysses Grant from Big Mikes... please give it back. That was my favorite book, and wasn't finished with it! ;/
Saturday, 07 December 2013 12:26 AM
#2616 He told me to sit on his face so I did. It was fantastic.
Friday, 06 December 2013 11:33 PM
#2615 I can't stand ignorant drivers... If you don't know that the left lane is for passing you're an idiot.. If you see someone close behind you in the left lane and you're not going to go speed up, get over! Some of us drive far distances to and from campus and it's extremely frustrating being stuck behind slow drivers in the far left lane. Also use your turn signals and check your mirrors.. There's a reason they exist..