Saturday, 07 December 2013 08:48 PM
#2630 I'm a 5'5, 230 lb, 25 year old female and I can make it through Insanity workouts just as well as the people on the video's do. 6 months ago I was closer to 300 lbs and couldn't even make it through one round of the warm-up. I've done this without much of a support system. I've tried for years to stick to a plan of getting fit because that's what everyone else told me I needed to do. It didn't stick until I made the decision because I wanted to. I've got a ways to go still, but I have no doubt it'll happen. So to everyone who wants to get fit...forget what other people think and tell you to do. If you want it bad enough, you'll find what works for you and stick with it.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 08:42 PM
#2629 I've had a crush on Pothead ever since I saw him at the beginning of the semester in our polisci class.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 08:19 PM
#2628 Anyone wanna buy a nice keyboard/piano? This being one of the biggest music schools It seems like somebody would. It's made of wood for the most part got a slightly wobbly stool seems like an easy fix if you cared, but anyways like this status if your interested so I can send ya pics and we can have some real talk about it :)
Saturday, 07 December 2013 08:03 PM
#2627 This is not really a confession... here it goes. I am a female that goes to TWU and I'm feeling very lonely. This is my first year in Denton and although most people say that it is an open minded city, it's hard to believe from my position right now. You'd think that most people at TWU are open minded feminists, which is the complete opposite. The women here are extremely conservative, some believe that homosexuality is a disease and some believe that it is not their right to vote. I wish I could transfer to UNT but my major is only offered at either TWU or Baylor, which is Nutrition. How are UNT people? Are there any clubs that TWU people could join on your campus?
Saturday, 07 December 2013 07:37 PM
#2626 I had a few seizures in high school that has caused brain damaged and makes it hell for me to concentrate. I have been to 3 colleges already and have only passed my english classes because I can't concentrate enough to learn anything new. It' s making me depressed because before the seizures I was brilliant. Because of it I can't even hold down a job because my bosses claim I'm stupid and can't get past trainning. I have a son now and feel doomed to be a housewife which is the 1 thing I never wanted to be.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 07:35 PM
#2625 I'd just like to ask everyone to go to and post your result of the personality test in the comments. Why? Because you can find someone you're fairly compatible with by the personality types you have. Also, because I'm looking for someone.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 07:07 PM
#2624 Are there any guys into plus size, taller African American girls? I only dated a few in the last 2 year here, and I'm tired of being single
Saturday, 07 December 2013 05:24 PM
#2623 There's this guy who works in Kerr cafeteria. He has black hair and facial hair(a black beard). I think he's cute. If you are him I just want to say my name is alycia haskett and I like your butt.