Saturday, 07 December 2013 10:42 PM
#2638 I shaved my vagina on the sink and I think I might have slightly clogged it.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 10:18 PM
#2637 I fucking love it here at UNT and just north texas in general. I'm from Jersey and in that cesspit I had to deal with fucking guidos everywhere. Guidos are basically those Jersey Shore type douchebags that live that lifestyle and I fucking despise them for making the world (or at least Jersey) a worse and more violent place. Here? All anyone has to deal with is a few potheads, hipsters, and annoying pseudo-intellectuals with liberal agendas. Everyone else though is great!
Saturday, 07 December 2013 09:52 PM
#2636 I just fucked my girlfriends pussy and ass with a huge icicle. It was awesome. I love winter weather!
Saturday, 07 December 2013 09:37 PM
#2635 In terms of sex, it seems to be quantity of quality these days. I am 23, a dude and never had sex. I'm no Boy Scout, but I'd rather have 1 beautiful, healthy, in shape and good personality sex partner than 10 below average sex partners people pick up on Fry Street.
#Real Talk.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 09:32 PM
#2634 I often wonder where morals went. It is funny... a while back, have more than 5 sex partners at age 20 was considered taboo. Now you hear people having 20+ sex partners at age 20, 3somes, 4somes, etc, etc. Hey... that's fine. It amazes me that people wonder why the STD rate is so damn high. Hope you guys have fun with the STDs. Also, don't complain why you can't find a good man or a good woman.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 09:29 PM
#2633 being honest, I'm pretty drunk right now. and my find, nick, who lives in honors is the cutest guy ever. even though he's not gay, I still have a massive crush on him.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 09:25 PM
#2632 So I am taking elementary probability and statistics, and I probably should have got help earlier. Nevertheless, I really need help. I don't want to have to take this class again. Is there anybody who can help me before finals. I am going through all of the homework assignments on mystatlab, but some stuff I still don't get.
Saturday, 07 December 2013 09:24 PM
#2631 Had sex for the first time last night. As I expected, I honestly don't see the global obsession with it. I'm asexual, as in a person that feels no lust or sexual desire yes we exist believe it or not. I don't know what I was expecting.