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Monday, 09 December 2013 03:43 AM

#2660 Back in Summer when the union was still open I found a zip-lock bag taped to a vending machine. I was one of the remaining few on my way out the door after work and spotted it. It had a single dollar bill with a note that said 'This is a random act of kindness. Enjoy!' It also had a coupon for a free hug which made me smile. You have no idea what that meant to me. I had been dealing with a lot of things this summer and finding something like that made my day. You are the kind of person that gives me hope that the world isn't such a terrible place. Whoever you are...

I'd like to use that coupon now.
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Monday, 09 December 2013 02:18 AM

#2662 One of the ways I see if I can fuck my female friends is by hugging them with an "accidental" boner and gauging their subtle reactions. It's been moderately successful and has had some very surprising results.
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Monday, 09 December 2013 01:19 AM

#2661 Whenever one of my friends has a health problem caused by weight or by them eating bad food, this is what I tell them to try to get them to become healthier; I don't want you to die young because I love you, so please be healthy. If you have health issues caused by weight, whether too much or too little, don't try to start exercising and eating properly because you think you'll look better; do it because there are people in your life who love you and want to see you live a long and happy life.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 10:56 PM

#2659 There was a tour guide named Thomas last year who was the happiest, cutest person I've ever met who STRONGLY influenced my decision to come to UNT.. I know this is bad but I would really like his Facebook, does anyone know it?!
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 08:19 PM

#2658 My cat is my best friend. I'm not a crazy cat person, I would just rather spend my time with her than I would with humans.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 08:18 PM

#2657 I find guinea pigs to be disgusting and ugly and not soft. Not cute animals. I hate when I babysit for people or know people who have them.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 04:18 PM

#2656 All the little local Denton/Sanger/Argyle/etc. high schoolers need to get off this confessions page. Shit, UNT is bad enough with the TAMS kids without you guys trolling this page, you guys don't even go to this college. Jeez.
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Sunday, 08 December 2013 03:42 PM

#2655 I've posted a few confessions on here hating on others. I confess that the reason I'm so god damn outwardly bitter is because I shut myself off from everyone and I do mean EVERYONE because I'm so scared of judgment and betrayal that I only leave my house to go to my job which I work in a warehouse in solitude, go to class and restock my fridge, I have literally only 3 people that I barely consider more than acquaintances and of course, I have not one single person I go to to vent and tell my issues to, not even my own family. With all this pent up frustration and hate building up inside, I can slowly feel the sweet guy I used to be, rotting and deteriorating and making way for an empty shell wanting to just an hero myself everyday. Hugs haven't worked either.
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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