Monday, 09 December 2013 11:22 PM
#2670 I don't know if I should be happy that I lost my virginity or ashamed. I went to Japan with my friend and his family (they are Japanese) during the Summer for a week. They had this this called the Soapland in Japan. It's basically like a brothel but more classy and legal. My friend took me to one and I lost my virginity. It was an awesome experience... but I feel like a loser since I had to resort to one of these places just to get some.
Monday, 09 December 2013 10:48 PM
#2669 Everyone ive met so far sees me as this sweet innocent girl because of my awkward shyness but in reality I enjoy the occasional flogging and whole bondage brigade in the most disturbing sodomizing way. It's been very difficult to find someone of similar interests here and I dont want to pretend thats not what i like just to make some boy comfortable with a normal sex life.
Monday, 09 December 2013 10:35 PM
#2668 To one of the RAs in my dorm, thank you for saying hello to me (and using my name, no less). Most people ignore me as I walk by, but I appreciate you being so thoughtful.
Monday, 09 December 2013 09:12 PM
#2667 Shout out to the people that have their parents come to their dorm to do their laundry. IN THE DORM LAUNDRY ROOM. Smh. That's so sad. And lazy. And just plain stupid.
Monday, 09 December 2013 08:58 PM
#2666 There's this one girl who literally posts every day in the UNT - Class of '17 page about her daily school related problems/personal stories, and honestly, it's getting annoying. There's a reason why we all have our own Facebook page for your own problems. I think you're confusing the page posts area with your own status bar. Quit. K bye.
Monday, 09 December 2013 08:38 PM
#2665 Mrs. Irwin, the Kine teacher for movement for special population is so damn sexy
Monday, 09 December 2013 07:26 PM
#2664 I'll be at UNT in the fall of 2014 and while most of the time this page is hilarious or cute or generally worth following, sometimes I read the comments and I think some of y'all think you're funnier than you really are... just saying, your overly sexual comments aren't funny, they're just gross. I'll make sure to stay away from y'all.
Monday, 09 December 2013 06:54 PM
#2663 UNT is full of punks and losers who think their super liberal views are the future of the world, but carry no responsibility beyond getting 'good' grades. Marijuana and fry street is not going to lead you anywhere.