Thursday, 12 December 2013 03:49 AM
#2757 I've fucked 3 different guys in the last 24 hours. If guys are allowed to brag about sex why can't i?
Thursday, 12 December 2013 03:46 AM
#2763 A lot of people on here should watch Laci Green. She makes some good points. It's sickening seeing all of these "confessions" being ways to call people out and insult them. This is supposed to be a way to get something off of your chest, something you're embarrassed about or are too afraid to say out loud. I've seen this page used for great things like making new friends and getting support... But I've also seen it be used to tear others down and insult them. That shits fucked up. We're not in high school anymore. Can we please stop acting like the head bitch from Mean Girls? (Though that was a great movie and quotes from it are acceptable)
Thursday, 12 December 2013 03:20 AM
#2756 So I took this guys virginity... do guys get all the attachement feels to the person they lost it to or is that just girls?
Thursday, 12 December 2013 02:48 AM
#2755 I wish more guys were uncircumcised. It's such a fun surprise!
Thursday, 12 December 2013 02:44 AM
#2754 My name is Sam and I'm starting to realize I attract the dumbest women. -_-
Where the intelligent/intellectual women at?
Thursday, 12 December 2013 02:15 AM
#2753 Dear obnoxiously loud girls who live on the second floor of Clark,
SHUT THE FUCK UP! Do you seriously not realize how annoying you are? I don't think you understand the concept of 'quiet hours'. I promise that your friends would still be able to hear you just fine if you didn't yell. I don't even know you, but I know that I can't stand you.
The other residents on the second floor of Clark
Thursday, 12 December 2013 02:08 AM
#2752 To the hot blonde serving at Red Lobster, when I asked for your juicy biscuits, I think you misunderstood what is was asking for.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 01:50 AM
#2751 its very hard to find a cute guy to date or even talk to cuz i am shy around cute guys n there are a lot of sexy white n hispanic guys here n im tired of being single and its hard cuz im african american... help lol