Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:04 AM
#2766 So... I am crushing on a high schooler that goes to DHS. I'm a junior here at UNT and I only got to know her because she comes to campus with her parents every week.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 10:13 AM
#2765 Steven *5 cents* can we get back together. I tried texting and calling you. but you don't answer. Please get in touch with me, I promise I will not press you into anything anymore. Just call me...
Thursday, 12 December 2013 10:02 AM
Thursday, 12 December 2013 09:55 AM
#2762 From an alum: Not exactly UNT-related, but nonetheless a fun confession with which I'm sure many of you can identify:
I'm hanging out at my grandmother's work today until I catch the Greyhound later this afternoon to go visit a friend. I didn't sleep much last night; it seems that no matter how I plan and scheme to go to bed at a decent hour before an early morning, it never happens. Whenever I am sleep-deprived, I tend to have stress-induced diarrhea. So, naturally, this morning upon arriving at the office, I make a beeline for the ladies' room--sanctuary!--only to find that I've been followed there by one of my colleagues, who ends up sitting in the stall next to mine and wants to chat it up. Trying my best to postpone the inevitable, I make an ordeal of blowing my nose and fiddling with the tampon receptical in hopes that she will soon leave. This usually successful plan is foiled when the executive director comes in and greets us both by the sound of our voices. Seeing as I've been volunteering here for six years, have just been elected to an officer position on the board of directors, and someday hope I might work here, I had to take a dump check. My life is never dull!
Thursday, 12 December 2013 08:57 AM
#2761 So I met up with this guy in the blb and we decided to jerk off in the bathroom. We were in the stalls on the third floor but people kept coming in. We then went to the second floor and jerked it in the urinal. He came but I didn't. I apologize for anyone to saw me or heard me.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 07:36 AM
#2760 You idiots that keep posting "dafuq did I just read?" aren't funny. Everyone has heard that joke a million times you unoriginal cunts. Go circlejerk somewhere else.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 04:26 AM
#2759 There is nothing sexier than watching a hot chick clean my toilet.
Thursday, 12 December 2013 03:57 AM
#2758 I've known the creator for like 7 months and he's pretty fucking rad