Friday, 13 December 2013 02:48 AM
#2791 I'm a third year college student but this is my first year here at UNT. With my major, this school was pretty much the only one in the state worth looking at, but I had to spend my first two years out of high school at community college. When I arrived on campus during first flight week back in August, I felt so lucky to finally be at the school I'd been dreaming about since graduation. Now that I've been here for a few months and suffered through my first finals week at a "real" university, I feel like UNT has become my home. Even though I've worked hard for this opportunity, I know it's still a privilege to be here and I'm never going to take the opportunity for granted!
Friday, 13 December 2013 02:33 AM
#2787 12/13 2:26a I have morbid thoughts that just pop up at different times throughout the day. I can't stop from thinking this shit. On the other hand, I'm empathetic and they both clash and makes me feel horrible.
Friday, 13 December 2013 02:18 AM
#2790 Sometimes, whenever I eat M&Ms, I like to hold two m&m's in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one m&m cracks. I eat the cracked one, and the one that didn't crack becomes the champion. Then I grab the other m&m, and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of m&m gladiators. I do this until I run out of m&m's, and when there is only one m&m left standing, I send a letter to m&m's brand with the champion m&m in it with a note attached that reads: "Please use this m&m for breeding purposes."
Friday, 13 December 2013 02:10 AM
#2786 Out of all the guys I've had sex with here at UNT, the best sex I've had has been with Hispanics.Ever since I've had latin fever.
Friday, 13 December 2013 02:02 AM
#2789 I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago and about the same time I started realizing that I stood very little chance of maintaining the 3.5 necessary for my scholarship. I got kind of depressed, but am mostly over that now. During this time though I started cutting again which I haven't done for 3 years. I hide the cuts on my legs in an area where the only way to see it would be to see me naked, though I cut my arms with my PO box key in public sometimes when I need to be more discreet. Yesterday though I decided to try cutting while masturbating and found out it was an extreme turn on for me. I was also talking to another friend that likes to hurt herself and I got turned on while listening to her describe what she does to herself. I do not think I would enjoy hurting someone during sex, but would enjoy testing it out. Later that day I masturbated again just I cut myself as I came and it was almost the most amazing thing I've ever felt. I am a virgin, but I have had blowjobs and it compares to that, it is not necessarily better just different. I don't think I'll be able to masturbate without cutting now, it is just so much better. Do I have a problem? Would anyone want to experiment with me on this?
Friday, 13 December 2013 01:27 AM
#2788 Why is it so hard to find a good woman that's my type, cute face with a slim waist and similar interests (to which there are many so not too hard), who has long-term potential (a woman who wants to have a meaningful relationship and doesn't need to be fucked up all the time and doesn't need drugs in order to have a good time)? I need to go on a rant to get this off my mind and this is the best place for me to let it out. Anyway, I've been dating a girl for about 2.5wks (not as in gf, but in the dating phase for anyone who is a bit slow) and we've gone on 8 dates in that span. All but tonight have gone pretty well (there's a past but I was going to look beyond it, I'm the type to lift you up when you're down and if you want change I'll show you the way) but tomorrow I'm unfortunately gonna have to end to it because we're at two different places in life. When it's just us together everything's fine, but tonight we were supposed to watch a movie, come back to my place, watch AHS and cuddle until we fell asleep (to which she's stoked for last night). Instead, tonight she wants to go hangout with friends (all of whom I've never met) to have a little apt. party. OK, fine, I'm down to party every now and again. When we get there and she starts getting drunk, she gets increasingly louder, super obnoxious, and also aggressive with some of her friends (all male, and I guess that's just how they act together). I couldn't even enjoy the time there due to her making so much noise and her hostility, just bad overall energy. There was also another girl there who was really quite beautiful and she said at one point she has a 2yr old kid. And who was she with? A dude (not the babies daddy) that does cocaine and smokes weed. Like wtf is wrong with you woman!? Be with your child! O.o Gosh, women can be so dumb sometimes. How do you like guys like that? Then, some wonder why they can't find a good one.
I just can't wait to graduate next semester and get into the real world and leave college girls behind. Maybe then I'll meet someone who's mature and is ready to settle down and start building a future to the point of having a family. I know there's a woman out there, but I can just never find you. Even made an OKCupid, POF, and MeetMe to potentially meet someone I wouldn't normally meet. Yet, most either do drugs, don't look like their pics (guys, if it's just their head-shoulder area, they're probably fat), or say things like "I love you" on the first date. No, just no. I've been looking for the reason to delete them but that reason is hard to find. *sigh* Rant over. Thanks for reading/commenting (unless you say "not a confession" or "too long didn't read," cause then you're just a douche lol).
For the record, I don't use drugs but I tolerate smoking weed to a degree. As long as you're still productive and not a lazy burnout, then I'm cool with it. I grew up in CO so most of my friends do it, I just don't and won't.
Friday, 13 December 2013 01:18 AM
#2785 I asked a female friend out, and she said no. A week later after a long night of drinking on Fry, I grabbed the same girl and made out with her because I was jealous of another guy who was hitting on her. She went along with it and kissed back. It worked, and that guy went away. She didn't seem mad and she still doesn't like me as anything but a friend, but that's cool because at least I didn't have to go home feeling like a bitch.
Friday, 13 December 2013 01:12 AM
#2784 Done with my finals and I got my transfer out of this shit hole and to Texas Tech in January! Smell ya later, faggots!