Friday, 13 December 2013 03:42 PM
#2808 If I knew it would lead to doing a video with Xander Corvus, I would totally get into the porn industry.
Friday, 13 December 2013 03:25 PM
#2806 I have often been told that I am not living the "college life." I do not drink, smoke, party, etc. My definition of fun consists of staying out of trouble, legally having fun such as going out to eat, going to the rec, and watching netflix here and there. My first semester at UNT did not go as planned, and according to some people, it's because I did not live the "college life." Do I really have to involve myself with the consumption pf alcohol, smoking, and partying to meet life-long friends and to have a successful time at UNT?
Friday, 13 December 2013 02:06 PM
#2805 This UNT Confessions page is fun to read but god damn you'd think some of these college students were kids throwing tantrums. It's still pretty funny to read though
Friday, 13 December 2013 02:05 PM
#2804 I was bullied as a kid for being fat and now I model...but I still don't feel pretty enough or skinny enough to satisfy my standards in the least bit. It fucking sucks.
Friday, 13 December 2013 01:38 PM
#2803 To the POS frat-bag wearing the tan jacket during the Acct 2010 & econ exams, FUCK YOU. I tried to make simple conversation with you TWICE and you completely blew me off. Because the only people worthy of your attention are other frat-bags and sorority whores, right? Everyone else is a peon, RIGHT?
The black guy that asked "How did you feel about the exam?"
Friday, 13 December 2013 12:39 PM
#2802 (Serious) Okay so I took 14 hours this semester and i'm going to fail 2 of my classes, I'm only getting 6 hours of credit this semester... I can't meet with any advisors until a week and a half now, can anyone offer advice?
Friday, 13 December 2013 12:32 PM
#2801 I like how all the female RA's in Kerr started off super nice at the very beginning then suddenly turned snooty and bitchy...So bitchy in fact that some of them don't even say Hi or smile anymore, especially that uppity black chick RA who i'm tempted to bitch-slap for being rude to anyone she deems unworthy. All the male RA's in Kerr are kick-ass though, some even party with us. WE NEED MORE MALE RA'S!!!
Friday, 13 December 2013 11:23 AM
#2800 So you guys tell me if you think i'm weird for this...
Since HS I have had 3 women swallow my semen. I feel like we will forever have a bond. Like you can't swallow my kids and then hate me for the rest of your life... That just isn't right.
Does anyone else feel like this? And is 3 a lot? It feels like it.