Thursday, 19 December 2013 04:43 AM
#2873 Last year, I fucked this guy's girlfriend that he was trying to get her pregnant. Basically he fucked her and then while he slept, she snuck on over to my place and then I fucked her bareback and came inside thinking that she was already pregnant. When her kid was born, turns out I'm the father. Sucks that I'm the dude paying child support but I get one hell of an ego boost and huge turn on knowing that his seed was planted before mine and yet my seed was still the superior one that got her pregnant. I don't know why they're still together even though they both know, I'm clearly the superior man here.
Thursday, 19 December 2013 12:24 AM
#2871 My brother is 15 and just told me he's gay and can't tell anyone because he's afraid my dad will hate him. He's absolutely brilliant, like the smartest kid I've ever met and he has a lot of friends who just won't care, but I'm worried and I just hope for the best when he finally comes out.
Thursday, 19 December 2013 12:21 AM
#2870 That brunette cashier at 7-11, the beautiful one with the big glasses... her sheepish grin never fails to brighten my day (and quicken my pulse).
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:15 PM
#2869 I used to have to sex with this guy with a girlfriend he would call me every 2 weeks. His roommates used to walk in on us having sex and it still didn't stop. Then he decided to stop. It was cool but he didn't have to cut me out like that but it's all good. I'm a guy btw.
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 10:02 PM
#2868 I just finished my first semester here at UNT. I met this beautiful girl in my orientation group and we lost our virginity to each other. It was wonderful. The only problem is, I care about her... a lot... and she has a boyfriend... a boyfriend that she's been with for years and has every intention of marrying... We're actually still extremely close friends, somehow. We hang out every single day. She means so much to me, but I'll never have her as anything more a friend. I'll always be that friend she made the mistake with. I just wish I could accept everything as it is so I can just be the friend she deserves and not the guy who is always subtly pressuring her for love.
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 09:38 PM
#2867 My confession is that I did not attend college this past semester because I became extremely paranoid about all these school shootings that happened within early last year to the point of having panic attacks. I dropped out and stayed at home most of the time being too afraid to leave my house in fear that I'd run into one of those crazy ass fuckers. I'm coming back this semester though after seeking help for my paranoia, leaving school like that was the worst mistake I've ever made especially since I would have graduated in December Had I not left. I'm coming back to finish the 3 classes I had left, if these psychopaths were looking to strike fear into the lives of others, it sure as fuck worked on me. But no more.
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 08:47 PM
#2866 Today (Wednesday Dec 18) my friend and I were standing in the lot by the library mall. Some cute light skinned black guy asked us if we were lost and needed help, but we were trying to figure out where to park. You were soooooo cute! I was feeling
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 08:34 PM
#2865 I was Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006