Friday, 20 December 2013 10:12 PM
#2889 I've been with my boyfriend for over two years. I'm totally into bondage and the most hardcore fantasy he has is two girls giving him a bj at the same time. I'm too shy to tell him about it but our sex is so vanilla and boring...
Friday, 20 December 2013 09:30 PM
#2888 This semester didn't go how I wanted….I wanted to start over, make new “friends”, date a hot white guy, make good grades and just have some fun, enjoy college. However, this is life and sometimes shit just doesn't go the way we want. I made zero friends, met zero hot guys, I didn't enjoy myself, and it was all work….work….wooork! I only had one friend whom let’s be real annoyed the hell out of me, I’m not even sure if I can call this person a friend. Anyways, I did end this semester with a 3.5, which is decent, but I want more from college, I mean it’s college, these are supposed to be the fun years because after that it’s pretty much more work afterwards. Next semester, I think things will get better, because I’m going to quit being a p**** and go after what I want, that includes at least a 3.8.
Friday, 20 December 2013 05:34 PM
#2887 During the semester, a girl in my apartment complex had a thing for me. I didn't want to do have sex with her because I knew she had a very rich sexual history and I don't like to have sex with people who do everyone else because I don't want to risk getting an STD. My best friend told me to wrap it up and I would be good to go. I'm tired of people telling me that and thinking that condoms will deflect any and all STD's. If condoms are that great, tell me why people are still getting STD's? Fact of the matter is that people have too much sex, don't get tested and think they are good to go.
Friday, 20 December 2013 02:30 PM
#2886 I don't feel like this confession fits in here, but I'm posting it anyways. I think I came into college a naive and judgmental hypocrite. I was never incredibly outward about it, but it probably has shown to my friends sometimes. I came in with set morals about religion, partying (and everything that comes with it), and the way people should live their lives in general. I realize that's all fine, but I tend to react to opposing views with a bit of judgment and frustration. Not to mention, I was more or less sheltered and cultured into these ideas. I'm coming to realize that I need to keep my mind open, listen before I speak, and accept everyone as best I can. I've never been one to shove something down someone's throat, but being a rational person, I do get pretty pissed when someone is irrational in my mind. The truth is that I'm not changing anyone by expressing my differences, and instead I should focus on my similarities with people. No strong left-wing person is going to be swayed by a right-winged person going on and on about it and vice-versa. The only way people MIGHT change is through actions and normal, non-aggressive conversations. I need to burn this into my mind and learn to just accept people for who they are 100%. Granted, there's a line to be drawn for all of this. I'm not about to be friends with a sociopathic serial rapist or something.
tl;dr Get the fuck off UNT Confessions if you're going to tl;dr shit. Shiet nigga.
Friday, 20 December 2013 01:48 PM
#2885 It is so attractive when a guy can unhook your bra in one try.
Friday, 20 December 2013 11:16 AM
#2884 I really would like to hit the rec more often in order to get in shape and finally build some muscle, but I need more motivation since I've been really inconsistent with my trips to the rec. I've been currently working on finding friends to go with me (since most I already have won't due to conflicting schedules and similar lack of motivation). Any advice?
Friday, 20 December 2013 05:50 AM
#2883 People here always hate on me for having certain traditional values, which do in fact include that homosexuals are an abomination, that women should not work outside of the house and be the child caregivers, going to church on a strict regular basis, and that men should hold on to their masculinity, among other all call it biggotry or bullying, but I call it maintaining a natural order and keeping the world safe from evil. It's been that way in my family for generations and I don't plan to let these values die with me, my children, not even my grandchildren's grandchildren all because society has been overrun with degenerates. Well to all you worthless failure liberal faggots: I hate your horrendous values of promiscuity, abortion, alcoholism, drug use, atheism, support of homosexuals, and your insistance on just handing out money to poor people instead of making them work for it like the rest of us, and a shit ton of other degenerate "values" you hold. You all talk about saving the world, yet all you do is sit around in your apartment that daddy is paying for and get high and smell bad. You are all the reason america has become almost a communist piece of shit and you should do us real hard working americans a favor and move back to nazi germany and the soviet union and take all of your satanic heathenistic beliefs with you and straight back down to hell. Coming here was the worst mistake of my life. I'm going to Texas Christian University, where sane individuals with real values go.
Friday, 20 December 2013 01:37 AM
#2882 One time eating lunch in the old union, a random hot red head chick sat next to me and bluntly said she wanted to hook up. So we went to her dorm in Kerr and hooked up for 3 days straight. It was cool cause there was no confusion or mixed messages involved. She still never gave me her number though. Haha.
#StaySTDFree #Wrapitup