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Sunday, 22 December 2013 06:32 PM

#2920 I'm a girl who was never climaxed during sex. It has nothing to do with my partners -- most of the guys I've been with have been pretty big and excellent lovers. Granted I've only been with 5 guys, but I think that that's a pretty good number to realize that the problem obviously lies with me. My current boyfriend is the biggest I've had (around 8") and he is amazing in bed. He says I'm the first girl that he's been with that can't cum during sex. I also take a super long time to come during oral, so I always feel bad for asking. He says he likes it but 20 minutes oral has to be tiring for him. I have tried using a vibrator and touching myself. While I can feel him inside me, I can't feel anything on the outside. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do? I just want to cum together with my man for once.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 06:02 PM

#2919 The SGA freshman interns are the most pretentious stuck up guys I've ever seen on campus. You may be surprised to hear this but THE WORLD DOES NOT FUCKING REVOLVE AROUND YOU! You do not need to comment on every little thing with your annoying belittling opinion. It gets you nowhere and just makes everyone sick of you.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 05:59 PM

#2921 The A300 wing of Bruce is by far the gayest dorm wing on campus. They even record each other in the shower and I swear half of them have sucked my dick.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 04:46 PM

#2918 So a girl I work with told me she had a sex dream about me the other day. She proceeded to invite me over to smoke bud with her the same night. When I was there I asked her what the deal was and got totally friend-zoned. I haven't felt that awkward since high school. Beware of overly flirty girls!!!
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 04:34 PM

#2917 Who is the girl that is always serving ice cream at Kerrfrateria? She got a donk!
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 01:30 PM

#2915 Bla Bla Bla ra ra ra. Something that pisses a bunch of people off that I think is funny. I secretly love so-and-so from that one place at that one time. Grrr alienate this group of people, and I'm better than everybody!
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 10:48 AM

#2914 You made me happy for a while, and I felt safe with you. Thank you.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 08:32 AM

#2912 I am a member of the Christan Students and there are a couple of men that are incredibly handsome. Especially the guy who looks like Jake Epstein... I'd approach y'all but I am not quite sure if you're interested in dating right now.
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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