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Sunday, 22 December 2013 10:55 PM

#2934 Ok real talk here, seniors who walked the stage on saturday, who else had a final scheduled for saturday at 8am due to ice and had to go take it after the ceremony? I did and it was total bullshit. I didn't have a choice since a 0 on it would have failed me that class, and yet just getting a 14% on it or only 7 questions right would have left me at a D which would have been fine with me, and no the professor does not curve or round up under any circumstances even if you're at like 89.9%. The worst part is that that class was a history class I should have knocked out my freshman year but I put it off until now because I hate history. His words were "No, I don't care if you're a senior and this class has nothing to do with your major, you will take this exam like everyone else or fail because I will not hesitate to give you an F and delay your graduation until May or later." What the fuck? Why is every history teacher I've ever had been a crusty pissed off old guy? UNT, the only place where you're still taking tests after graduating. Oh well, I took the test by just going into his office which he was 40 minutes late to the time we had scheduled, and literally blind guessing every single question because I figure I could get 7/50 of them right and I had a Houston-bound plane to catch and I was not gonna miss it for a possible C or B in that worthless class I don't give a fuck about, so what if I get a slightly lower GPA? Oh well either way I got a 18% on the final which is a bit too close for comfort but whatever. I'm done here, and I'm done with asshole history professors forever. Thanks for the memories UNT!
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 09:59 PM

#2926 Everyday I contemplate killing myself, because this life is incredibly stressful, especially being a full time college student and my demanding career-type job. Then I remember my to count my blessing and that there are a lot of mother fuckers and their demons that I would rather prove wrong.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 09:48 PM

#2933 Guys who try to get me with pickup lines are total losers. I like waiting for the men who don't resort to such a cheesy overused tactic.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 09:23 PM

#2932 I wish all there was a NO VIRGINS policy on this page
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 09:19 PM

#2925 I seriously have not found any girl here at UNT to keep me interested enough to attempt a relationship. I've tried hard but either they get boring, they suck at communicating, or they're just not interested in me. What the heck UNT? I expected better! And by the way, I'm not shallow nor do I have impossible standards of women.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 08:54 PM

#2924 sometimes i think to myself "thank god I'm single" i look at my life and think about all the shit that's running through it. my shit, friends shit, my families shit, why would i want to let this brown Nile overflow with somebody else shit. or subject them to this hell that is my life. it makes me happy to have high speed internet and a strong forearm for alone times. other times i think "goddamn i hate being alone" and want someone to lay on the couch and watch a movie with.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 08:48 PM

#2923 A few years ago I played a Death Cab for Cutie song on guitar for my girlfriend. When we broke up she covered the song, posted it to Facebook, and denied the fact that I ever played it for her. It actually really hurt me, but I didn't say anything because she is very musically talented. So in the end I looked like the asshole even though she cheated. I'm haunted by the fact that maybe I should have posted a song publicly for her, "scream it from the rooftops" kind of thing, but I just don't crave the kind of attention she does. I stick to my guns on the idea that some things are so personal and intimate that they should remain between two people. If you're truly happy and confident then you shouldn't have to prove it to social media. If you really need Facebook to feel secure in your relationship, you probably shouldn't be in that relationship.
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Sunday, 22 December 2013 07:27 PM

#2922 I wipe my ass standing up. It is too annoying to wipe you ass sitting down.
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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
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