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Monday, 06 January 2014 01:39 AM

#3023 When are (racist) white people going to realize that acting nice and being successful and having a POC friend or dating a POC...DOES NOT EXEMPT YOU FROM YOUR RACISM. I can immediately tell when a white person is racist. I've experienced it enough that I know the signs and am tall too aware of the subconscious breadcrumbs they drop. Most of you POC reading this will know what I'm talking about. Growing up in this country (And ESPECIALLY in Texas) as someone who isn't white basically means that in addition to whatever degree you've earned at UNT, you've also been working on that "white racist psychology" PHD that you didn't want to sign up for yet still all have to walk away with. We've learned to know the signs - things like: no eye contact. Arrogance. Avoidant behavior. Looking uncomfortable in a room full of us. Not being able to make jokes in our presence (except the ones we'd rather not hear that we can STILL hear you make inside your head). My confession is that I can't stand leaving the house anymore because I see these signs EVERYWHERE and I'm sick of seeing them and I'm sick of ALWAYS being right about what these signs mean when they start too appear. For God's sake, please sign up for some fucking diversity classes before you apply to a liberal arts college. :)
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Sunday, 05 January 2014 06:09 PM

#3022 Here is my confession... laigh if you will. I just got done watching Spider-Man 3 with my friends and they thought Peter's personality change was corny and stupid, but I thought it was awesome. Imagine having a piece of Venom within side of you. When Peter's personaltiy changed, he was more dominant, got what he want, women were noticing him more, and he was extremely alpha and didn't give a fuck about anything... hell, he even got promoted lol. I wish I could have a piece of Venom within me so I could be as alpha male as Peter was in the movie.
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Sunday, 05 January 2014 05:12 PM

#3021 Meet an amazing girl over the break. She is everything I would want in a girl, and I'm 90% sure she likes me back; sucks that she goes to a different school though. Oh well, at least there is always summer. I'll be sure not to puss out, and ask her on a date when I get the chance. Wish me luck!
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Sunday, 05 January 2014 02:11 AM

#3020 Why are guys from back home such pussies?
Back at UNT I met a great guy and he had has been my boyfriend for over 9 months.
There is a few guys that are from my hometown that are hitting on me and saying they wanted me back in high school and send me phone numbers.It makes me fucking sick that they try to get with me. I am taken there is no chance for you. Besides you didn't try to get to know me in the past, so why now?
#fuckguysfrommyhometown #theydontevengotocollegeoraredoinganthingwiththerelife
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Saturday, 04 January 2014 11:48 PM

#3019 "Waaah! I can't get a girlfriend!" Shut the fuck up. Even Hitler managed to find himself a girlfriend. You are less desirable than Hitler. Maybe if you'd stop trying to go after those supermodel type girls you'd have more luck. I suggest lowering your standards, maybe instead of looking for a size 3 girl, you should aim for something more your speed like a size 33.
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Saturday, 04 January 2014 11:37 PM

#3018 I cannot seem to maintain a single friendship. Every time I make new friends, they last for about a month at the most and then they stop talking to me at the drop of a hat, just because I guess they find something annoying about me (I find many things annoying about them too but you don't see me complaining). I don't even annoy them, and I hang out with them around twice per week. If I don't find friends that I can maintain long term next semester, I'm either transferring or simply dropping out.
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Saturday, 04 January 2014 11:19 PM

#3017 My mom's on meth and my stepdad is creepy mom throws fits and says she'll kill herself if I don't do what she wants. I'm only in theatre to forget my life. Denton might suck but I have a job at the mall and crappy kerr hall to escape too.guys tell me I'm pretty and I'm even named after a soap opera skye... I'm just so done with my mom.
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Saturday, 04 January 2014 11:14 PM

#3016 I'm really hard to piss off... but there are two things that really get me going. i'm a 90s kid, so these things really piss me off.

1. I hate when these younger generation kids think that Bleach, Naruto and One Piece characters could destroy Dragon Ball Z characters. Are you fucking kidding me?

2. It really pisses me off when these younger generation kids think that basketball players like Blake Griffin, Lebron James, Dwayne Wade or Kevin Durant could stomp Michael Jordan in his prime! Really?

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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
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Approval Rate: NaN%
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