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Tuesday, 07 January 2014 02:19 PM

#3031 This new years party I went to proved that once you go black you can never go back. I can hardly enjoy sex with my boyfriend anymore. I think I'll swap him out for a black guy somewhere in Denton. Sorry sweetie, but you've a real asshole lately anyways and you've probably cheated also like all guys do.
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Tuesday, 07 January 2014 12:30 AM

#3030 Adam S. I have a serious crush on you. Ask me on a date already!
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Monday, 06 January 2014 10:39 PM

#3029 When I go pee in the morning I don't like turning the light in the bathroom on because it is too bright. I'm sorry roomies.
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Monday, 06 January 2014 04:13 PM

#3028 I'm waitlisted as first for folsom's us history 2620.011
The one that meets Tuesday and Thursday. Could someone drop the class so that I can be in it? I know it's my fault for not planning fast enough but I really want this class! I'd die if I had to take Lowe again so pls help me out here!
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Monday, 06 January 2014 03:15 PM

#3027 I'm happy all the time because I can see the hilarious irony in life. Irony like conservatives going to church to worship a long haired liberal man, and then proceeding to do the exact opposite of what he says. Or liberals that think banning guns will prevent people from getting them, and yet they get weed all the time. Or hell, how rappers become millionaires thanks to the people that buy their songs to listen to the rappers sing about how much richer they are and how much more sex they get than them. American society is like a hilarious reality TV show filmed live and for free, with no actors. If you look at life in that way maybe most people wouldn't be so pissed off and offended all the time.
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Monday, 06 January 2014 01:44 PM

#3025 Sex is a private fucking matter, pun intended. Why the fuck do people wanna know when and how many women I've bedded and how? I always think people wanna know this info so they can go home and fap about it. That actually sounds fun to me, but I'm a black dude that lived in da hood my whole life, you don't wanna know the types of women I've bedded lol
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Monday, 06 January 2014 10:10 AM

#3024 Does it make me a sex addict if I have sex with my girlfriend twice a day, 5 out of 7 days of the week? I'm not complaining at all, just wondering if we should slow our roll before its an addiction.

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Monday, 06 January 2014 01:50 AM

#3026 I think all schools starting with first grade should offer mandatory diversity classes. You start learning about different cultures. It's very lively and hands-on and everyone participates and has fun. Required class. It would be: History, Art, Science, PE, Diversity, Computer/social media, Math, everything else. Maybe then there wouldn't be so many racist mahfuckers on campus. :)

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UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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