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1.  MontanaState  -  26606
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Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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Saturday, 11 January 2014 05:49 PM

#3080 I'm sick of dating scrubs. I don't expect a guy to pay for everything but come on, the last couple guys I dated spent way too much time playing video games and getting high and not enough time working.I like to so those things as much as the next gal but munchies snacks aren't free fellas!

Saturday, 11 January 2014 05:46 PM

#3079 The second I know I can get a guy I seem to lose interest and I hate it.

Saturday, 11 January 2014 05:42 PM

#3078 I'm into water sports and I'm not talking about jet skiing or pool volley ball

Saturday, 11 January 2014 05:37 PM

#3077 There's a girl who I've been casually banging for about a year or so who ice come to realize that she isn't very bright not interesting. She's good looking and good in the sack and that's about it. I'm so paranoid about knocking her up that I've crushed the plan b pill and put it in her breakfast before. Need a new fuck buddy quick!

Saturday, 11 January 2014 02:05 PM

#3076 You know what really grinds my gears, is when I see UNT students wearing gear for other college. Like I understand that your parents, brother, sister, boyfriend/girlfriend might go there, but you go here. And for those people that wear other colleges gear because they didn't want to come to UNT in the first place, or they don't like it here take you ass to that other college cause I promise you we don't want you here. Its really sad when I walk around campus and I see more gear from other college than I see UNT. Have some school spirt.GMG
If this gets alot of likes I'll do another segment of "You know what really grinds my gear"

Saturday, 11 January 2014 10:10 AM

#3075 Student Government Officials should start doing the jobs they get paid for..

Saturday, 11 January 2014 08:48 AM

#3074 I am happy for you now I am going to be happy for me.

Saturday, 11 January 2014 04:38 AM

#3073 This is my fourth year at UNT (fifth year in college). I made more friends in my one year at a transfer school than I have in the four years I've been here. Get your shit together UNT.

UNT Stats

Total Confessions: 14967
Confessions Per Day: 0
Approval Rate: NaN%
Favorited by: 49

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