Sunday, 12 January 2014 04:06 AM
#3089 I'm a radical feminist, who happens to be obsessed with the song Blurred Lines...
Sunday, 12 January 2014 03:17 AM
#3088 I was raised in an extremely conservative household. Like, westboro baptist church and nuns with slapping rulers levels of extreme. I was always beaten with non-specific objects whenever I did anything "sinful" which could be in my parents eyes even something as insignificant as letting my tone with them go slightly out of control, you know, shit that makes north korea look like daycare. And also, I attended a private christian school. Basically, I was meant to go to TCU, but due to my family's business failing and dad having to settle for a shitty 25K job, they sent me here since it's cheaper. Basically in my first semester I had to go to church every week and mail a sheet of notes to my mom to prove I went so they'll keep funding me, despite the fact that I have a job. UNT is very different from the town I come from, but this shock didn't hit me too hard once I noticed that past all the weed, the colored hair, and that general strangeness, most people here are friendly, much moreso than where I come from. I made tons of great friends despite my sheltered background and general ignorance of anything that has nothing to do with conservative values. Over time, I met some actual christian friends my age that were shocked to hear about the extreme nature of my parents and even said that they belong in a mental hospital. The weeks went on, and I started to develop more liberal ideals, probably since they were eased into me instead of forced throughout my life. I started to see that most of this "sinful" shit is completely harmless, and that there is no need to beat anyone to set them "right" especially when they've done nothing wrong, and that gay people are in fact people and not a threat to mankind I was raised to believe. Over thanksgiving break, I went back home, and When I talked to my parents about what's gone on, and showed them pictures of me and my friends hanging out at restaurants, touring Dallas, and other places, and then speaking to them about my thoughts and new ideals, and about how maybe they take their religion too far, my mom freaked the hell out and started hitting me over the head with her bible, and threatening me with damnation and my dad started to say things about how I'm turning into "one of those unclean fools destined for satan's world" They then started to make plans that I will not even finish this semester there even after my hard work maintaining A's and that I will go to TCU and restart college there and pretend UNT never happened. They then started calling my friends here agents of satan trying to pull me down and started telling me that I should not be wasting life fooling around with people like them and started commanding me to devote my life to bible studies and providing for my future family (which by the way, they already had a wife for me planned). Right then, I snapped and just told them off real good, cussed, vented frustrations, denounced religion, physically fought both of them in self defense of course, broke several objects I had previously been hit with, and made my way out the door and back here after spending the night on a park bench and calling a cab the next day. I didn't go back there for anything this christmas, all I got was a text from my dad saying that he wouldn't fund anything anymore, that I wasn't his son anymore and to "enjoy burning in hell" That christmas I stayed with a friend and his family, they welcomed me, and showed me what I think a true family is supposed to be like and let me just be myself. After this drastic shift in life, I found myself crying myself to sleep most nights and even attempted suicide once. I'm visiting a psychiatrist to help me get my head back on right, but despite that and new financial and emotional hardships I may face ahead, this time at UNT is the first time I ever felt any semblance of happiness. I'm prepared for whatever hardships the future brings, because honestly, it cannot be worse than living with my former family. Burning that bridge to my past sad excuse for a life is the best thing that I've ever done. I'm ready to begin life anew without these authoritarian hacks watching my every move. This was a liberation like no other, like 200 quintillion tons were lifted off my shoulders...
Sunday, 12 January 2014 03:00 AM
#3087 I was going through downtown on a bike. It had been a really long day, and I was really tired, plus I had just cleared a really long exhausting hill. (hills piss me off when I'm tired). Then I see a group of 3-4 loud and obnoxious 12-13-year-old kids walking around wearing weird head umbrellas and sunglasses, eventhough it was raining a lot. One of the kids was walking in front of people and doing weird noises in front of them, to either scare them or make them feel weird, I don't know. But nobody was saying anything to them. People just ignored them. Whilst the friends of the kid were all laughing hysterically. So I'm casually riding my bike, and I see the kid approaching me, and I think to myself: "not today motherfucker". So I plan out in my head, I'm gonna knock off his stupid glasses when he approaches me. As he walks towards me, for some strange strange reason, my hand forms a fist and I straight up smack him in the gabber. Not even close to hitting his sunglasses off. He makes a weird "Oouuuwhh" sound and his friends are dumbfounded. So this is when I think to myself, right after; "Dude, what. the. fuck. did you just do?" I mean, the kid was being obnoxious and rude to people, but seriously, WHO HITS A KID? So I just sprint home on my shitty bike and started to consider what's reality and what isn't. Jesus, the first person I hit was a god damn 12 year-old. TL:DR Punched obnoxious kid, now I feel weird and regretful.
Sunday, 12 January 2014 02:29 AM
#3085 To all the fuckers that pee all over the toilets in West Hall, please stop and take care of your shit,it's not rocket science! Last time all the seats were so dirty that I had to walk all the way to Willis. Please take this very seriously
Sunday, 12 January 2014 02:23 AM
#3084 Since when did cry myself to sleep diary bands like Asking Alexandria and synthpop breakdowns become the average teen's idea of metal? You listen to whatever you want but don't tell me that shit is "brutal."
Sunday, 12 January 2014 12:03 AM
#3083 I had a felony while I was a student at this school and I have been treated like I have leprosy ever since. I was kicked out of the school without completing my major and while I eventually switched majors and transferred to UTA to complete my studies I would still like to go back to UNT to finish what I started. I just feel I would be unwelcome at UNT
Saturday, 11 January 2014 11:34 PM
#3082 So i'm from east texas. There are some "haunted" places out in the woods and whatnot that are cool to check out, even though we don't believe they're really haunted or whatever. It's still fun/spooky to go check them out. Are there any places near denton like this? Not buildings unless they're abandoned because we dont want to have to pay or anything like that, you know? Just some trails/woods/odd attractions out in the wilderness worth checking out?
Example: we had one in ETX called the Stones and it was in the middle of the woods in this clearing that had these huge pure white stones (20' feet tall) arranged in a big circle. No one know how they got there or why they're there or anything. Supposedly for some sort of ritual or something.
Saturday, 11 January 2014 05:55 PM
#3081 Liberalism is destroying this town. How is forcing everyone to tolerate everything any different than being intolerant of different beliefs just because you don't agree with them. I have no issue being civil towards non Christians and homosexuals but I have the right the believe that Christ is the only way, sex is for after marriage, and that marriage is between man and a woman and not be demonized for holding those beliefs.can't we just agree to disagree because no one can really take the high road in this circumstance.