Monday, 13 January 2014 10:53 AM
#3104 I'm the guy who wrote the post about dealing with HIV and I just to thank everyone for their kind words and show of support.I honestly wasn't expecting that so to see it was truly incredible.its good to see that the outlook on positive people has made some progress over time. I just want to reinforce to anyone who find themselves with a positive HIV diagnosis that its not the end of the world and fear of finding out shouldn't keep you from getting will save your life as well as others !
Monday, 13 January 2014 08:34 AM
#3103 I know men don't like to hear it, but I'm a girl and I can't date a guy with a small-ish penis. There's something so intoxicating about seeing a huge one and it makes me cum harder that anything else. I tried to break it down psychologically and have arrived at the conclusion that this is because I am extra, extra feminine and a large penis is a symbol of hyper-masculinity. In fact, men with small penises tend to me more insecure and produce more estrogen. Not to mention that it's better to have more of a good thing than not nearly enough, especially when sex is concerned.
Monday, 13 January 2014 08:27 AM
#3102 It really grinds my gears when gay men get in relationships with straight women who don't know their gay. ESPECIALLY when marriage and kids are involved. Congratulations, you have wasted that woman's life and have taken advantage of her for selfish reasons. I'm gay.
Monday, 13 January 2014 01:51 AM
#3101 I'm so happy being single it scares me. Not only can I not "talk" to guys because I get annoyed with having to keep up with them, I can't sleep with them either. I don't want to have sex someone until I'm actually dating them but I don't want to date anybody. Im afraid I'm never going to want to be in a relationship again. That's how happy I am. But I want to sleep with someone so bad it sucks.
Monday, 13 January 2014 01:50 AM
#3086 You know your neighbor? That guy you don't really talk to and aren't interested in getting to know them? Well, while you're fapping in your bed (like most of you probably are at this very moment) that ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot chicks and basically, you are fucking stupid.
Monday, 13 January 2014 12:26 AM
#3100 Sometimes I get high af and ride the bus for a whole loop just for fun
Monday, 13 January 2014 12:00 AM
#3099 Do people actually have one night stands in college? Many people that I know have had sex with someone they met in the same night, but they continously have sex with them on the normal basis (FWB). Do people actually have sex with a random man or woman and then never see them again?
Sunday, 12 January 2014 11:56 PM
#3098 I am 23. I have a job. I'm a full-time student. Since coming to college, I have only made two friends and I am fine with this. People often judge me for little things. Without getting to know me, people instantly write me off as unimportant and not worth talking to. People often act two face and fickle around me. Personally, I'd rather have two REAL friends... those two friends who call me, are there for me, who go out of there way for me and are willing to hang out with me and are just all around great guys. When I was in high school, it used to bum me out that I never felt good enough for people. Now that I am in college, I am just thankful that I have two friends that are worth a lot more than having many fake "sort of your friend" people. Many people have a lot of friends... but in reality, how many of those people can you call your real friend?